Just to be sure: This is no April fool’s joke! The Berlin SPD wants to ban “military organizations” in Berlin schools that Promote the “military service”. Since in this country private armies are not allowed, must be one of the Bundeswehr’s meant to be. The Parliament army, for a social Democrat – the people’s Deputy, Friedrich Beermann – the concept of the “citizen in Uniform” has invented a social Democrat Hans Apel – in the second tradition the adoption of the break with the Wehrmacht was that of Helmut Schmidt to Peter Struck, five social Democrats, as the Minister commanded and the four of them Enjoyed, currently Hans-Peter Bartels, on behalf of the Bundestag as a military representative supervised. The country-the SPD believes but to know that recruiters and youth officers “military Propaganda” and minors are “vulnerable”. In the Federal level, they react in horror to the three-fold Declaration of suspicion to the soldiers, to the students and to their teachers.

organ donation – a matter of life and death

The Bundestag is the subject of much criticism for his often somewhat boring debate culture. But in matters of life and death, the Parliament has proven its quality. The revision of the organ donation offers the next opportunity. So far, every donor has to declare yourself to be active during the lifetime of ready, that it may be removed after brain death organs. A cross-party group to the Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) wants to turn the principle: Everyone should be a donor unless he has objected. In order not to miss anything, to relatives before the procedure, asked if they know of a conflict. Spahn and his supporters hope that in this way more people will look seriously and with a positive result, the question of whether or not your dying body of a suffering people is to help to life. Others see the contradiction solution, the basic trust in the state as the protector shattered. The Parliament will need to the Fears of the Living concerns, the rights of the Dying and the needs of the suffering.

Four Times is “No.”

The British Parliament is famous for its debate culture. The Hardcore Brexiteers currently goes too far. Yesterday, the Tory Sir Walter Cash reminded menacingly in mind that Oliver Cromwell in 1648, the had resolved for his taste to even magnificent house by force, and then as a de facto dictator ruled. Theresa May is not, however, seek the destruction of the Church as a field mistress, which is why Sir Walter’s objection prevented the Parliament from a solution for the Brexit. A dozen half-naked climate activists in the visitors ‘ gallery, and not held the vote on the four Alternatives to Mays Deal with the EU. But again all were clear – some of them, the proposal of a customs Union as a Supplement to the EU Treaty, with three votes short, but all the more evident than last may’s Deal. Nick Boles, one of the managing Directors of the Conservatives, resigned, exasperated, from his party that is not willing to compromise. Since only the Council, to go to bed and think of in the morning with “fresh-charged batteries,” the next steps remained even the always good-humored Speaker John Bercow.

it Comes with Erdogan?

We people tend to, what we have just experienced as to project law straight in the future. Wins in Washington, Budapest and Ankara, a national populist choice, we see the prompt, the era of national populists in front of us. The reality is by leaps and bounds. Recep Tayyip Erdogan was experiencing to his displeasure. The capital, Ankara, and, much worse, his native Istanbul in the future, ruled by the Opposition. It comes with the self-beautiful to the end? May be, The reality passes in jumps.

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soldiers spell of the Berlin SPD in the classroom

Ulrich Zawatka-Gerlach Paul Starzmann Georg Ismar, days of the mirror in the Morning

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