The SPD is in these weeks of intensive on the search profile. Now you’re also in the Foreign and security policy on their principles. This could lead to the end of a major foreign deployment of the Bundeswehr: the training of Iraqi forces by the German armed forces. SPD’s Vice faction leader Rolf Mützenich had set last autumn by that the mandate will be reviewed until the end of April 2019 and by October it stopped, if Iraq invites the German soldiers specifically. This formal legitimacy, but is not come, hat nich so at the end of the Mission. The Union finds the small, and refers to the danger posed by the IS. In the FDP, one speaks of the SPD and even the sense of reality. What is clear is that The confrontation of the SPD with the Union. And that’s what matters for the social Democrats currently.

one in five pensioners is poor

Speaking of SPD projects: A new calculation could provide the social Democrats are more arguments for your basic pension. On the Initiative of a statistics Professor and to the Left of the-pension expert Matthias Birkwald, the competent national office for statistics has now calculated how bad it really is to the poverty of German pensioners. So far, there is always the pensioners with were attributed to the adulterated the result is strong, because you can get as a former official in the average three times as much on the account as normal retirees. Came out: one in five pensioners is at risk of poverty. A frightening number that confirmed the claims to a Retirement Fund for low-income earners.

Meuthen speaks of the “enmity” in the AfD

The AfD in the state of Baden-Württemberg is considered to be absent-are founded upon the pile. Radicals and more Moderate deliver here again and again bitter disputes. In the case of the election of a new national Executive at the weekend, there was a correspondingly high. Remarkably, at the party Congress in Heidenheim, Germany, is the talk of the party, particularly chief Jörg Meuthen. The called on the Radical angry to leave the party. “Who here wants to live out his group-focused enmity, I say very clearly: look for a different playing field for your neuroses!”, he called. The hall was raging, there were Standing Ovations and applause, but also Boos. So clearly Meuthen has become rare. Nevertheless, Meuthen was to Make a guest of the Kyffhäuser, the annual Meeting of the radical “wing” of the party. You may ask, how credible his eloquent delineation attempt to do so is now.

problems with the mobile App

It should be a showcase project of the Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer – so important that it wrote to the Grand coalition, even in their coalition agreement: the funk hole App, the Federal government called “broadband measurement”. Scheuer wanted to make it “hunt” on the “white spots” in the mobile network. However, as my colleagues of the “daily mirror Background digitization and KI” reports, now, complain to a series of users over the technical shortcomings and problems of Measurement. Ironically, in funk holes the App on the iPhone does not work, for example. It is questionable whether the App can actually give an Overview of the gaps in the network. Even in the CDU you not save with criticism. The CDU fractions in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Saxony-Anhalt have brought in a short hand of their own Apps. “The broadband App missing the cheese, we will show where the holes are,” blasphemes the CDU Faction leader in Meck-Pomm. Pretty embarrassing for Scheuer.

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Plasberg discussed about “home country of Germany – for Germans only?”

it is Normally discussed only after a talk show about the show. But Frank Plasberg has been triggered with his announcement for tonight is a Shitstorm. The presenter wants to discuss the question: “is home to Germany – for Germans only or open to all?”. The Berlin SPD-state Secretary, Sawsan Chebli tweeted: “This language is the reason, why I’m told I should back to my country.” The Plasberg-editorial attempts to counter this trend: It is only to discuss the question, for whom Germany was a home. It is clear that The title is more than unfortunate choice of words. A little bit of the Whole thing reminds me of last year when the MDR a broadcast is announced with the words: “May you today ,nigger’ to say? Why has political correctness to the combat zone?“ The was then cancelled.

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