The SPD wants to split the cost of care for nursing home residents is fundamentally different. The own share, the needy, or the family must make should be limited, says a paper of the SPD to adopt the Executive Board this Monday. The concept of the German press Agency. Previously, the “Bild am Sonntag had reported” about it.
so Far, the equity share is open to the top, of the care insurance is financed proportion set against it. The SPD criticized that Affected to fear, to be vulnerable, when their savings are depleted.
are not required If the nursing care insurance, pension, and assets of the residents covering the costs, in the next step, according to the law, the next of kin. Often this means: children liable for their parents – but only if you have enough money available.
the party and the group leader Andrea Nahles said the “BamS” to the Problem: “The share must be capped, all future costs must increases are then paid by the nursing care insurance.” The share fluctuates considerably from Region to Region. The care in Hamburg was more expensive than in Saxony-Anhalt. “We want to be, therefore, no Federal amount wide, but the Status quo. To everyone in need of care certainly not can be that will do it for him more expensive.“
The SPD wants to Finance the future costs, according to the paper, with a series of measures. Among other things, care only for medical reasons should be paid, in the future of the health insurance, statutory and private care insurance.
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countries want to limit the equity stake in the home As the care remains affordable?
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The plans to be care of the second part of the in February launched a concept for a Reform of the welfare state, said a spokeswoman for the dpa on Sunday. The SPD Board of management had decided, on a proposal from Nahles unanimously a package for a Reform of the labour market, an easing of Hartz IV and better financial services for children. (dpa)