The former Federal Minister of the interior Hans-Peter Friedrich (CSU) was full of praise: “Thank you, Mr. Arnold Vaatz, for this knowledge of the processing of the sad reality in Germany in 2019”, he tweeted on Friday evening. And recommended a Text for reading, the Dresden CDU in the Bundestag, Vaatz, The axis had just published in the Blog of “the Good” of the dispute, the political scientist and the Saxon CDU election workers.

“You’re just a tireless fighter for the truth, even if the authorities don’t like,” added the current Bundestag Vice President Friedrich. He shared with them, obviously, are the Central statements of Vaatz in his blog post. Including that it was a “political cleansing”, when Werner Patzelt, according to expert opinion and appearances at the AfD and his vocation as a Co-author of the Saxon CDU election programme must not be after his Retirement at the Technical University of Dresden (TU Dresden) there is a senior Professor.

the concept of “cleansing” was used in connection with the case of the former head of the Stasi hohenschönhausen memorial, Hubertus Knabe, Patzelt before. “The purges have found a new victim – and in the middle of a long-standing member of the SED,” said a boy in the middle of January, in allusion to the Saxon Minister of science Eva-Maria Stange (SPD), expressed by 2017 reservations against Patzelts plans for an “Institute for social cohesion” at the TU Dresden.

In his essay for “The axis of Good” pursing Vaatz, a former GDR civil-rights activist and Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU group in the Bundestag, these allegations. The destruction of Patzelts reputation and its “distance from the self-proclaimed scientific relevance zone” was only “a matter of time”, after the scientist of the “dominant media have contradicted opinion” that “had to be a statement of logical reasons: The Pegida-demonstrators had almost disturbed all minds. Patzelt availed it nothing that he rode always best to sympathize somehow with this movement”.

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for Free order

More Vaatz wrote: “What came from Patzelt, was of the devil and that’s it.” The dismantling of the Institute’s project in Dresden was “a prototype for the entire Arsenal of Intriganz, rufmörderischem zeal and intellectual property theft, which threatens anyone who takes the tolerance of talk in this society seriously, and whose political Position of the relevant page as not sufficiently far to the left evaluated”. The Dresden-based “taz”correspondent Michael Bartsch, who had reported that in 2017, over the dispute about the planned Institute, he called a “conspiracy theorist” with “almost rufmörderischem zeal”. The Text of Vaatz bears the title “The story of a purge”.

linking to anti-Semitic page

Particularly dubious: The “axis of Good” linked with the release of the Vaatz-text at one point – it went there to the Head of the Amadeu-Antonio Foundation, Anetta Kahane – to the extreme-right and anti-Semitic page with the convicted neo-Nazi and an arms dealer (a”migrant scare”), Mario R. in close connection. Only after public discussion in the social networks, this Link has been removed to the right-wing extremist page.

Petition “#Patzelt!”

in Parallel to the publication of the Vaatz-text of the student Union Ring, launched of Christian Democratic students (RCDS) at the weekend a Petition “#Patzelt!”, the senior Professor for the political scientists at the TU Dresden enforce – Vaatz here is one of the first signatories to, among other things, in addition to TV presenter Peter Hahne and the right-wing conservative journalist Birgit trowel. The response to Monday morning: around 1200 supporters, including about 500 from Saxony.

the CDU/CSU-fraction Deputy Arnold Vaatz in July 2015 as a speaker in the Bundestag.Photo: Achim melde/Deutscher Bundestag

The Saxon CDU leadership has not commented on the by your top official Vaatz-fired a new discussion Patzelt on the weekend. The CDU land Chairman, Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer, had taken Patzelt several times against the accusation of an AfD close. Kretschmer excludes a coalition with the AfD categorically. Also the scientists themselves deny that its use is for the CDU to have the goal of a black-blue coalition in the state after the state election on 1. To make September.

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Conservative Thinktank with Federal aid? Dispute, “Institute for social cohesion”

Amory Burchard

What is the CDU leadership has, however, no interest: on the continuing dispute, Patzelt, and the signals of AfD supporters. The initiatives of Vaatz for Patzelt expected that the project will, therefore, anything other than located.