the Bad news may be good news. The world’s largest pork producing and consuming country of china’s catastrophic disease situation could kill half or even 70% of pigs.

I thought your field was now a new increase place, when two Finnish lihatalo was already before the outbreak to get the doors open the Chinese market. Currently, the assessment of the situation, however, are quite careful.

– at This stage we do not see it necessary to increase production, atria’s export director responsible for the Markku moose lake said.

the same simple message is, Hkscan export director Jukka Nikkisellä .

– to increase Production is not to make decisions. The development of the situation will be monitored and according to it, it will react.

pork production is contract farming, i.e. lihatalo determine how many pigs are bred.

the Finnish pig entrepreneurs president of Timo Heikkilä keep the situation, however, some kind of salvation for the sector.

Now the meat companies have told us that a dozen prosenttiakin pork exported to China and the prices are reasonably good.

Herds are the largest outlets of. Timo Heikkilällä at any one time approximately 20 000 animals in the production, mainly pigs.Jouni Soikkeli / Yle

the Meat and over 100 000 pigs annually Ruskolla producer Timo Heikkilä estimates that will take about five years before China can restore their production to normal.

Freedom porsitukseen investing

in Finland, investment grants has been distributed in recent years about 30 of the farm structure the annual. The tip of the provinces are in South Ostrobothnia, Ostrobothnia and Varsinais-Suomi.

the Lush structure of the new farrow to finish pig farm. Perky Piglet Ltd. has three farms owned by the company. Viiid million investment was pondering was accurate – the alternative would have been in 1996, the structure of pig resolution.

the Production is added to about one-third, the sow will be approximately 1600 and piglets born over 50 000 a year.

the Chinese problem is monitored closely.

– the Investment side, we had good luck, but after all, this is really a sad situation, that disease will come and change the whole meat market worldwide, the company’s chairman of the board Jyrki They said.

the Old facilities were already operating their age, they require renovations, and surface area structure is more, because in the future moving to freedom porsitukseen. Farrowing crate will remain disabled.

Jyrki They presents pens, which sows can be free farrowing time.Jari Hakkarainen / Yle

in the New stalls for the sows can freely pass though the entire porsituksen time.

– Previously, the sow has been locked in a cage in four weeks, If They tell you change.

Animal welfare of adding it is one of the competitive advantage. Finnish pork production strategy repeated the words antibiotic free, purity and production ethics. And the pigtails.

the Producers remind us that only in Finland and sweden in compliance with EU directive, which prohibits tails disconnection.

– a Pig is happy when the tail is curl, Timo Heikkilä said.

Timo Heikkilä is a perception that the quality of the product is valued in the Prc, but animal welfare is not so much there importance.

Finland-the pig sell puhtaudellaan

Finnish pork has been trading in China for over two years. The first items of atria’s Nurmo slaughterhouse left the Chinese market in 2017 spring. HKScan followed suit a year later, when the exports started in the Forssa slaughterhouse.

the atria’s export volume this year is around 8 million pounds. It is about 12% of the company’s pork production.

hkscan’s plan is to increase exports of the first year of the three million kilograms in the second year of the six million, and the third of the nine million pounds. The amount is still less than ten percent of the company’s pork store.

so Is this then a little or a lot? Chinese pig number was estimated at about 400 million pigs before the deadly spread of the disease and the consumption of meat was 54.8 million tons per year.

Finnish pig made the brand product to the Chinese market.Jouni Soikkeli / Yle

This is a completely different order of magnitude thing than in Finland talked about the pig industry crisis. In finland, spoken by millions of pounds.

It is intended sties reduction and meat production decrease in recent years. The pigs were slaughtered a little less than two million, so production was less than 170 million pounds.

the same amount of meat was produced last time in 1995. The premises was then 6 to 200 and now the same production is sufficient to 800 a pig farm. Concentration has been wild and it continues. If China goes for about 100 000 pigs a year, it means less than 50 pig production.

Finnish meat eaters eat as much meat as before, but with pork instead of the more broilers.

Without china’s exports of pork to the needs of the domestic market demand decreased to record lows.

the meat trading industry is trying to do in China, the quality and purity of the Finnish brand.

– disease situation due to it is functional to the story. There is a significant number of people with clean the north the product of interest, Jukka Nikkinen estimates.

Markku deer lake sales pitch is the same content: purity, lääkkeettömyys and disease free.

We have now an excellent time to branding a Finnish clean food to China. Chinese consumers appreciate more and more the quality and food purity.

the Chinese prices are Chinese prices

the price rise in China has not been reflected in the Finnish pig farm account in the bag and just trade tiskilläkään.

Pork consumer prices have even tripled in 2018 epidemic after the start. The industry believes that price competition and quantity is Asia go.

a growing number of pig the road to take to China.Yle/Anne Elhaimer

European price level has partly risen in China over time. It through the it can affect. The middle market price determines our prices, Jukka Nikkinen told.

New pig farm to be built If They haven’t seen the price in a positive development.

but in the meantime, that prices would rise, They say, and presents a new pig farm pens.

the Piglets will become heated, covered corners and the sows get to sit back free next to the little cooler.

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