Many are on the way home or to start their winter holidays, but there is no class 1 or 2 warning so it’s normal winter. What we recommend now is just to adjust the speed according to the road conditions, drive safely, and start in good time, ” says the transport agency presskommunikatör Ulrika Karlsson.

road users to keep an eye on the outlook and the traffic situation before and during the trip. Those who give themselves home from the mountains or the Race with the car, the council may select alternative routes.

Those who visited Sälen, Idre, Vemdalen, or Åre and want to minimize the risk of ending up in the queues shall, according to the Swedish transport administration, in particular, avoid the following roads:

• Highway 26 Mora – Vansbro

• E45 Mora Malung

• Highway 70, Mora – Rättvik, sweden

• state Road 66, Sälens by – Transtrand (alternative route between Transtrand and Sälen is in place the county road 1051 on the west side of the River)

• Vasaloppsvägen between Fiskarheden and Mora, which is one-way during certain times.

• the Road between route 311 and Lövnäs, north of Sälen.

have multiple catchment zones during the day Sunday. Two low-pressure – from Russia and the Atlantic – approaching each other and up to the evening they will be able to give as much as 15 centimetres of snow, according to SMHI’s forecast.

In the Region precipitation is projected to pull away and the clouds should be able to crack up with a del sol. With clear skies it is already in the northern part of Norrland and the sunlight raises the cold night temperature – 10-the time had Kiruna 25 degrees below zero, while Malmö had 9 degrees.

Read more: SMHI warns of snowfall