we Can preparing the early elections. The secretary general of we Can, Pablo Churches, has called on the 15.30 from this Friday to the Citizen Council of State to prepare the next elections, they already consider inevitable, with the loss of support of the nationalists to bring forward budgets, which disarms the combination of parties which allowed the adoption of the motion of censure against Rajoy. “You have to be prepared for all possibilities,” said Iglesias, who contemplates the convening of general in the first quarter of 2019.

“We’re going to keep betting as a first option for achieving take forward the agreement of Budgets, but I am not naive. I am aware that it is difficult, very difficult,” argues Churches hours before the meeting in an interview on the Cadena Ser network. The leader Can we have reproached the Government that it is not “has moved” to achieve the necessary support to the public accounts of the next financial year. “Are all the trips abroad, it is good that the president is going to Cuba, but I think that would solve some internal things first,” he reproached. In his first six months in The Moncloa, Sanchez has completed twenty international tours, a record that does not exceed any previous president.

MORE INFORMATION Churches urgent summons to the state we Can for the possible advancement to the election The possible advancement of the general bursts into the campaign andalusian

The Citizen Council of State, the highest organ of direction of we Can between meetings, is convened to discuss the political situation and rethink his political strategy at the new stage of elections, marked by the elections in andalusia on December 2, and the possibility of convening a general the next year. We rejected the alternative of extending the budgets and rule by decrees, as the majority of objectives were to be left outside of the economic framework called for in the agreement with the PSOE. “We cannot replace the Government, perhaps what we did in the motion of censure. We need that with the Budgets the Government to do more. If the Government throws in the towel and intends to tell us that we can endure two years via decrees… it is Not wise for the Government to lose the majority in parliament to get the Budget going.”

Churches recognize the difficulties that parties are pro-independence Betkanyon catalans support today to the public accounts, and more with the increase of the tension this week in institutions such as the Congress, where the deputy of CKD Gabriel Ruffian was the first sent off in 12 years – but he has insisted that the Executive must insist. “There are things that cannot be transferred; that is obvious, but you need to recognize all the political actors and meet with all the world.”

Pablo Echenique nor has it ruled out elections in march: “The president has not expressed himself strongly about it.” The secretary of Organization we Can have an impact on that “first option” of the main partner of the Government that have Budgets. “We are the more we are fighting for you while the PSOE sent ambiguous messages, which suggest that they might be throwing in the towel and therefore turning to a call for electoral advance. If there are no Budgets we understand that the Government is going to be weakened, it will have to govern with the Budgets of the PP and that opens up the possibility that the president use his authority to call elections”.

The Government does not rule out elections in the first quarter of 2019

The minister spokesman of the Government, Isabel Celaá, has not ruled out that the general elections are to be held in the first quarter of next year. “Constitutionally, this power is reserved to the president of the Government. Therefore, it is useless to speculate. We have time until July of 2020. The speculation is unhelpful”, he said.

Pictures of different ranks of the PSOE are in favour of that are before the regional elections, municipal and european-may, although the sensation more prevalent in the socialist ranks is that, to preempt, would be next fall. At least this was the general feeling until listening to this Friday to the Government’s spokesperson

Celaá has also left open the possibility that the Budgets of 2019 is not filed in April and is delayed until April, as did the Executive of Mariano Rajoy with this exercise. “We have the obligation to continue working for the carrying out Budgets. There is still time. In December or we could go to those dates [April], even more. There is time, we must take advantage of it,” he observed without clear questions we Can.

“The Government is still working for the negotiation of the budget and get agreement, especially with the reports and foundation that give us the international bodies such as the European Commission because we believe that it shields the Welfare State and because it will decrease the deficit and the debt of spain”, has expressed Celaá