According to The Guardian got to Norway in the end of april information from the CIA about a potential threat against the author and human rights activist Iyad el-Baghdadi. According to the u.s. intelligence community to the threat to come from saudi Arabia.

Authorities in Norway took the information seriously, and brought the same day Iyad el-Baghdadi to a secure accommodation. el-Baghdadi says that vast resources were laid down to ensure that the shipment was not shaded.

– As I understood it, the saudis sights set on me, but it is unclear what they will do, ” he says to The Guardian.

crown prince Muhammad bin Salman and the royal family in saudi Arabia.

Iyad el-Baghdadi has previously worked together with the journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was assassinated at the saudi consulate in Istanbul last year. On Twitter, el-Baghdadi called on Saudi arabia’s allies in the west to ask the crown prince to the responsibility for the high-profile murder.

”If the saudis get away with this, the next step is murder in your capitals. I am not kidding in the slightest,” he wrote.

during the arab spring in Egypt. He received hundreds of thousands of followers on social media when he translated the tweets from Arabic to English. Since 2015, he has asylum in Norway.

Neither the CIA or a Norwegian security services have wanted to comment on the data in The Guardian.