SEU-the commission’s powerful chairman Jean-Claude Juncker spent the last weekend in 2018 to go to the sensational step to say that the country as from the new year to lead the Eu council is not mature for the task.

– the Government in Bucharest have not fully understood what it means in the lead countries of the EU, said Juncker to Welt am Sonntag. He continued:

– Wise action requires a willingness to listen to others, and a strong willingness to put their own concerns aside.

It is the total absence of democratic sentiment in the Romanian government, widespread corruption and open attempt to roll back korrupsjons-laws that get Juncker to use storslegga.

2019 is the year when the united Kingdom according to the plan, to take out of the EUROPEAN union, it is the year when the controversy about the refugees is far from resolved, and the year when the union is challenged by nationalists and populister. And instead of having a steady hand at the helm in this year’s first six months, to the union’s work, in principle, is led by the one with good reason can call it the weakest link in the chain.

the Reason is that Romania’s leading political power is Liviu Dragnea, the leader of the social democratic party PDS. He may not even be prime minister, because he has a conditional judgment on the two years for having organised electoral fraud in a referendum in 2012’s impeachment against president Traian Basescu. He has in addition a conviction for corruption in the three and a half years from in the summer, which is not legally enforceable. Meanwhile do Dragnea and his party PDS everything they can to change the law in a way that will give amnesty to partieier Dragnea. They are pushing to get passed a amnestilov, tailor-made for her husband.

Meanwhile led the government of Viorica Dancila. She has had the job since January of this year, but has already been in a lot of controversies. One was when she called a political opponent “autist”. Another when the dean at the University of Bucharest said that she spoke a language that was difficult to understand, because it was “full of syntactic konstruksjonsfeil and logical inconsistencies”. But so is Dancila only the deputy prime minister, after the plan to Dragnea to frikjennes.

President Klaus Johannis said in november that Romania was not really ready to take over the presidency of the EUROPEAN union, which rotates between all the member states. He referred to a report from the EUROPEAN commission and a resolution in the EUROPEAN parliament which contained the criticism of the government.

– It (the criticism) tells us that Romania has gone back in time to before the EU-incorporation in 2007, he said.

And hit the nail on the head. Romania was the only country in the communist camp that had a violent revolution when the communist regimes fell in 1989. Dictator Nicolae Ceausescu was shot along with his hated wife Elena after that they tried to escape at christmas in that year. Ceausescu presided over the most rigorous weapons of repression-set in the eastern bloc in the 1970s and 80s. But the Romanian communism was at the same time strictly nationalist and openly sexist.

When Ceausescu was dead was Romania the most chaotic of the now post-communist countries. Periodically went militant miners to the capital city Bucharest in order to “clean up”. Meanwhile, the survived structures both in the communist party and, not least, the dreaded security police Securitate. There are some of these structures, which are now the core of the social democratic party, which then only is a half-audited union. But there is a party where the Ceausescus rigorous nationalism has survived. Partieier Dragnea emphasizes, for example, as often as he can that opponent and president Johannis belongs to Romania’s German minority.

finally: Partieier Dragnea has requested that it is raised riksrettstiltale against president Johannis because he said that Romania was not ready to take over the EU presidency. That’s just about how the mood in the country now – after model – to lead other countries towards a brighter future.