at the end of January, the Spanish physician, Dario Acuna-Castroviejo was invited to a hearing in the European Parliament. It was the planned abolition of EU-wide time change, which is due in 2021. Acuna-Castroviejo explained to the MEPs that especially old people, the Sick and the children Change problems with the regular of the watch, which is also the end of this month. He pleaded for the abolition of the time change. Also, the European Parliament and the EU Commission are in favour of this step. Surprisingly, it may be for some MEPs, the evaluation of the physician have been a permanent winter time for health reasons, that would be Best.

Eternal summer or eternal winter? In this question of principle, the EU should decide-the States soon. Since the EU Commission has introduced in the last September, a draft law, according to the semi-annual Turning of the abolition of the clock in the future, are the EU countries under pressure to act. The decision on which solution you want to present to their citizens, respectively, is – the eternal summer time with long evenings and time late in the sunrise, or the permanent winter time with the reverse effect.

Currently prevents the annual changeover to summer time is excessively early or late times of the sunrise in the regions, the zone is located on the edge of the big Central European time, which ranges from Spain up to Poland. This would change, but for the two countries with the establishment of a permanent Winter or summer time.

The EU Commission refers to its proposal at the end of the time changeover, however, the citizens will. In an Online survey by the Commission had been registered in the last year, 4.6 million responses came mainly from Germany. A total of 84 percent of the citizens declared themselves in favour of abolishing the time change.

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the Ministry of economy evaluates the opinions of other ministries

According to data from the economy Ministry in Berlin has prompted Germany, along with other member States, the EU Commission, an impact assessment on the abolition of the time change. “Such an impact assessment at the European level is important in order to give an indication of which cross-border impact of the proposed abolition of the time change,” says a Ministry spokeswoman. In addition, the Ministry of economic Affairs have asked the other departments in Berlin, Germany with a view to their respective area of responsibility, the consequences of an abolition of the time to assess change. The feedback from the ministries, the Ministry values at the moment.

Brussels authority is not in the case of impact assessment in the compulsory

With a swift response from the EU Commission in Brussels should not be so easy. Last year, the question arose in a working group of the EU transport Council, which comprises representatives from the ministries of the main cities are gathered: What are the consequences if all countries in a time of transition and decide – up zone after the end of the time, respectively, for the permanent summer or winter time? And what happens when the countries get no reasonable request and within a time zone in the future, a time-patchwork?

the Brussels authority holds, However, for such ia not responsible. According to the words of a Commission representative, the question of the permanent Winter or summer time had been in the proposal from last September, because this “was a matter for the member States”. “The Commission makes it very simple,” is the comment of one of the EU diplomats.

The authorities in Brussels are relying in turn suggests that the negative effects of the permanent at-Umstellerei explored sufficiently. The Commission drew attention last fall with the idea of your proposal, among other things, on a study by the office for technology assessment at the German Bundestag, which States: “Now there is increasing scientific evidence that the adjustment of the biological rhythms, in particular draws on the time change in the spring so easy.”

Commission expects cost savings for the economy

Although the Commission is aware that a farewell to the time-cost conversion unique conversion. This applies, for example, for calendar Software, for which the operating system manufacturer, an Update would have to make. The bottom line is an end-time conversion of the economy give a cost savings and spare the citizens of the semi-annual “Mini-Jetlag”, argues the European Commission. In addition, it is well known that the original aim of energy saving, because the summer time was originally introduced, is hardly noticeable.

Vice versa, but there is no detailed study of what that would mean, for example, the eternal summer time for Germany, France and the other countries in the Central European time zone. Economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) has already indicated a preference for the eternal summer time. And also in France, a majority of 59 percent for this solution during the Online survey, which ended last Sunday. In the survey, which has no binding character, received a record-breaking 2.1 million answers.

French, Italians and Greeks in the EU-Parliament are sceptical

Among the French deputies in the European Parliament by the end of the time changeover is not, however, so many friends. The French in Strasbourg, together with the Italians and the Greeks to the critics of Juncker assault. And also in the transport Committee of the European Parliament bemoans the fact that the Commission delivers to your law advance no follow-up assessment.


Whether it’s the end of the time conversion is anything at all, keep a number of observers in Brussels anyway for questionable. “This is not going to come,” says an EU diplomat laconically. What is clear is that the Council working group of the EU transport Ministers, who want to deal in June, the next Time with the topic, has other things to Worry about: the Brexit and the possible consequences of an unregulated EU-exit of the British.