the financial group OP to continue building its churning and lay people off center in their community. About 460 task stop (switch to another service), and new tasks arise 190.

we’ve estimated that up to termination of 290 people, the staff director of the hanna kaisa western strait told STT.

a bank group to provide re-training under threat of redundancy are for. Termination by the exact number must identify the beginning of the year, the western strait assessment.

These co-operation negotiations concerning 1900:the aa spirit.

Before the fall OP the termination of 115 employees in corporate banking and insurance clients-business activities.

OP seeks co-operation negotiations on the € 18 million savings the end of next year.

CR Group started in the autumn of 2018 transition towards self-directed work. The change started retail banking operations. Central community co-operation negotiations were the last step in the restructuring.

see also:

OP start yt:t, where the bosses are reduced and tasks are changing – hr director: “The action is based on tribal structures”

the financial group OP to reflect the big turbulence structure

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