by the end by 2021 to the Solberg-government implement the whistleblower rusreformen. The main purpose is to move the state’s reaction against rusbrukere from the justice sector to health care.

It is a commendable improvement of ruspolitikken this newspaper supports. No one gets rid of the drug abuse problem of having the police and the legal system hanging over her. On the contrary, it is easy to see that rusrelaterte problems for both society and the individual is worse off that we push sick people into trouble over the in the criminal sphere rather than to help them.

This week in the woods however, Helsetilsynet out with a bekymringsmelding. The state agency is no opponent of better treatment options for addicts, but fear the reform can weaken the trust between patients and health care if health care providers receive a sanksjonerende role.

In a debate on The Political quarter, pointed out the director of Helsetilsynet, Jan Fredrik Andresen, that volunteerism is the way to healing. If the health care provider is required to perform treatments that violate the patient’s autonomy or participation, fewer get help that works. It is an important and principled objection to politicians and rusreformutvalget must take seriously.

the Newspaper still believes the health service should be responsible for the ruspolitikken. But the sanctions should be cut out. In the same way that punishment doesn’t work on addicts when they come from the police and the justice system, forced health care have major negative consequences for both the antoine and for those who will help them.

Andresens concern is not less of the very many who antoine on the illegal drugs do not have a substance abuse problem. The biggest exception is brukergruppa of the most difficult substances. In the same way that most people are able to have a sober alcohol consumption, a large proportion rusbrukere fresh.

If the reform ends in action that forces the healthy people through treatments they do not need or want, we would roads.

no Matter how selection fixes Helsetilsynets important objections, stops, hopefully not the trend towards a more progressive and humane politics, with a rusreformen.

the Next step for a knowledge-based and harm-reduction ruspolitikk is to examine how regulated markets can take over the production and sale of various drugs which today are illegal. The alternative is that we continue with the current frislipp: Black markets that never fades, dominated by players without the responsibility. There is no benefit.