The comedian and presenter Dani Mateo has declared this Monday as investigated by the gag humor in The middle of The Sixth that it sounded like the nose with the Spanish flag. The appointment has begun at half-past eleven in the morning of Monday in the courts of plaza de Castilla in Madrid. The presenter has been welcomed to his right not to testify, so the view has barely lasted ten minutes.

“I’m very serious. We’ve all talked a lot already about the limits of humor. But now we enter the terrain of justice,” said Dani Mateo, who has come to the courts almost an hour before his statement and has stated that now “the smart thing is to shut up and see what the justice has to say.” “As a citizen of this country, I am concerned because we are bringing a clown to justice for doing their job, and I’m worried about the image of my country and my flag,” he emphasized before entering the court. At the exit, a tiny group —just five people, who were holding flags of Spain— they have been insulted.

MORE INFORMATION Dani, Matthew, imputed by blowing with a flag of Spain, ‘The intermediate’ apologizes after the controversial ‘sketch’ of Dani Mateo with the flag of Spain

This statement comes after the judge of Instruction no. 47 of the capital has admitted in the complaint that the Alternative organisation of trade Union of Police submitted before the court of the guard against the comedian for “offense to Spain, its symbols and, hence, to the entire democratic society.”

Are quoted to declare as investigated for the alleged commission of a crime of insult or outrage to symbols of Spain with publicity, in relation to article 543 of the Penal Code and punishable with a fine of up to 12 months; and for a hate crime, as provided for in the precept 510 and is punishable by up to four years in prison.

In a program The interval of The Sixth of the 31st of October, Matthew performed a sketch in which, as stated, I read the only text that “actually creates consensus in Spain: the prospect of Frenadol”. During his performance, the comedian he pretended to sneeze and it sounded with the flag of Spain, before retiring alarmadísimo. “Oh, damn, sorry! What have I done? What have I done?”, exclaimed, in the tone humorous. “I didn’t Onwin want to offend anyone. (…) I didn’t want to offend the Spanish, nor the King, nor much less to the chinese who sell these rags. Not rag, not a rag either,” he said.

The joke sparked a wave of criticism and the now defendant became a trending topic. Then, the clinic Bavaria decided to cancel the advertising campaign that protagonizaba the interpreter and, even, the Civil Guard reproached him for his attitude: “Not to respect the flag is not humour, is to offend free of charge, to feel proud.” Matthew denounced, for his part, that he had received threats and insults.

The Sixth was decided to remove the sketch of the web the next day, after discovering that there were people who had been feeling annoyed and offended, and the program headed by José Miguel Monzón, aka El Gran Wyoming, apologized during one of their broadcasts. “There was No political motive nor any positioning editorial behind, it was just a mood”, said the presenter. Wyoming underlined that if “the joke has not worked” to generate “tension social rather than provoke laughter,” it is clear that this is a “gag failed”.

The teatro Olympia of Valencia has canceled the function, I Never forget you, starring Matthew, along with Raúl Cimas and José Juan Vaquero. The room had adopted this measure after threats of boycott and threatening messages that he received. In its place, the mayor of Valencia, Joan Ribó, offered the Palau of the Music to host the show, which finally has been postponed until next February. A work that has already embraced Real City earlier this month, where the comedian was cheered to get on the tables. Although outside of the theatre was concentrated a group of about 60 people, with Spanish flags, protesting the presence of Matthew in the city.

The appointment of this Monday is not the first one that Matthew has with a judge for his work on The intermediate. Already had to declare for making a joke about the Valley of the Fallen, which cost him an imputation of a crime offending the feelings of religious and other hatred. That case ended up filed. But other actors and comedians are still awaiting the decisions of the courts. A court in Madrid has already been processed by Willy Toledo by “be in God and in the Virgin Mary”; and another judge in Santiago has admitted to pending a complaint against a playwright, Carlos Santiago, by alluding to “the eggs” of the apostle Santiago in a proclamation of carnival.