In the case of a major Online attack have been published personal data of hundreds of public figures on the Internet. The attack hits, among other things, politicians, actors and TV presenters. Some of the information have been provided to 2017 to the network, a large volume of data were published in December 2018. But it was not until Thursday evening, a larger circle was not disputed: The Chancellor’s office learned only a short time before midnight of the Bundestag administration in the night of Friday.

“The German government is this incident very seriously. The Cyber-defence centre has dealt with the process,“ said the Deputy government spokeswoman Martina Fietz on Friday in Berlin. The politicians all the levels to be affected,””, deputies from the Bundestag, the European Parliament and the regional parliaments to local politicians. Fietz warned, it is also fake data could be in the Material introduced.

especially contact information such as phone numbers and addresses of politicians from the Bundestag and the country’s policy, such as the Potsdamer Latest news learned have been Published. From Brandenburg about records from almost the whole of the CDU, were published in-group as well as individual politicians of Left, the SPD and the Greens.

In the publications are also extremely personal data, such as private addresses, such as the Brandenburg government chief Dietmar Woidke. Of a majority of the politicians, including Brandenburg’s CDU-in-chief Ingo Senftleben, were also published the private E-Mail addresses, and phone numbers.

in addition, identification cards were among the via Twitter released data, copies of personnel, and lease agreements, private addresses, also all the chat histories, invoices, and letters. Even private Chats and voice messages from spouses and children, as well as Skype-names of children of the Affected have been published.

No Sensitive data from the Chancellery affected

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) is Affected. From the Chancellery itself is not sensitive data, however, as a result of data leaks flown down, said Fietz. The same is true for the area of Chancellor Angela Merkel. Minister of justice Katarina Barley (SPD) evaluated the attack as a “serious attack”: “The authors want to damage confidence in our democracy and its institutions.”

Who is responsible for the attack, was on Friday still completely unclear. The Federal government also did not know yet whether the data has been fully exploited by a hacker attack. The way in which the flown down of the data, “can still not be established with certainty”, said a spokesman for the Federal interior Ministry. The security authorities have determined that it is “relatively current as well as older data packages”.

The Federal criminal police office, the protection of the Constitution and a number of other authorities are busy with the case, including country authorities. The coordination lies with the National Cyber defence centre. The attorney General intervened in the examination. This had been created in the authority in Karlsruhe, a so-called observation process, said a spokeswoman for the Ministry of justice.

learned How the German press Agency from the Bundestag, the German Federal office for information security (BSI) currently, the data from the public areas of the Internet as Social media or websites, and partly from private “cloud data”.

On the Twitter Account, lists of goods have been Affected by published, which, according to party membership sorted. By far most of the entries there were on the CDU list. The AfD group is the only one in the Bundestag, to be published in the no list.

Twitter Account now

locked On Friday, the Twitter was blocked-Account. Twitter pointed out that the unauthorised publication in breach of private information against the rules of the service.

among the Victims of the data, Klaus, the actor and Director Til Schweiger, the Federal Commissioner for the Eastern countries, Christian shepherd (CDU) and several TV presenters, among others.

the leader of The Faction Left in the Bundestag, Dietmar Bartsch, called the publication of the data is an “attack on democracy”. “Particularly reprehensible” to find that family members and children may be affected, for example through the publication of chat histories. “No, not at all.”

The FDP in the Bundestag initiated legal steps. Central systems are not affected as things Stand, but, said a spokesman for the group on the Friday of the German press Agency in Berlin.

Out of the countries report more of the parties to be a victim of the data Klaus. In lower Saxony it is met in addition to several members of the Cabinet Prime Minister, Stephan Weil (SPD). It addresses and old phone numbers are private, published, shared with the state Chancellery and the ministries. “This is annoying, but not problematic,” said a spokesman of the state Chancellery.

According to the renowned Karlsruhe IT security expert Christoph Fischer the data originate from a single source. “Someone has apparently tried with a lot of hard work to open e-Mail Accounts,” said the fisherman of the dpa. It was a Potpourri of Material from different Hacks. Fischer assumes that the Affected poor pass have used words as well as Webmail Accounts instead of the official mail address for communication.

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news blog to a large data Theft “Misuse of access data”

Marius Mester husband, Frank Jansen, Julia-and-White

The attack of users from the point of view of the Chaos Computer club for each computer, a Wake-up call. “The attack shows what can happen when someone is stuck behind it, and is trying to systematically uncertainty and sloppiness to take advantage of that we all operate in everyday life with our devices and information,” said CCC spokesman Frank Rieger on Friday, the German press Agency. (Tsp, dpa)