The police has arrested the alleged Hacker, who had published the private data of nearly 1,000 politicians and other Celebrities. The access was made Sunday evening in the middle of Hesse Homberg (Ohm), said safety circuit on Tuesday to the daily mirror.

In the case of the perpetrators is a 20-Year-old has now filed a far-reaching confession. The man had been arrested at his home address, it said. The rooms had been searched. Yet be open, whether the man can be assigned to the right of the spectrum. It was assumed that the perpetrator alone has collected the huge amount of data and published.

The Hacker was set, according to a press release from the Federal criminal police office (BKA) on Monday evening. Since the man was a confession, and a fixed domicile, there is no reason to apply for an arrest warrant, said safety circuits. The BKA said in a press release that the Accused would be granted not only to all the accusations, but also “their own offences, in addition to” education aid would have done. According to the communication, the 20 had hidden Years before, a Computer in front of the access of the investigators, after his arrest, but hints to the location given.

“In the context of the interrogation of the Accused, to have the Data exploits and unauthorized data and publications alone is acting. The investigations have so far revealed no evidence of third party involvement. Asked about his Motivation of the Accused, to have indignation about the public Statements of politicians, journalists and public figures acted,” says the press release of the BKA.

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The General Prosecutor’s office of Frankfurt, the investigation proceedings on suspicion of spying data, to the data receiving stolen property and violations of the Federal data protection act. In the case of such offences can be imprisonment up to three years is liable to a fine. Since the offender is only 20 years old, will probably still applied to juvenile offenders, said safety circuits. This is when an adolescent under the age of 21.

investigators came to the man, apparently on instructions from a network of activists on the track. On Sunday, the police had. in Heilbronn the apartment of a 19-Year-old searches, except as a witness He had apparently been chatting to the known will of data theft with the alleged perpetrators. This was on Twitter as a G0d@Orbit.

government wants to improve cyber-security

The Federal criminal police office have announced the arrest first of all, to the Public, as clarified, whether the Suspect is, in fact, for the data theft, and whether he acted alone. It had been feared that in an early press release, a net activist will show up, “posing with a mask than the real perpetrators,” said safety circuits. The danger now seems to be largely dispelled.

The Federal criminal police office and the Prosecutor General’s office are going to speak today at 12 noon to the time of arrest. Already before a press conference in Berlin with Germany was announced for 14 at the interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) to the investigation.

On 3. In January it became known that the personal data of hundreds of German politicians and celebrities enter has been published on the Internet. Links to the data sets were distributed over a now banned Account on Twitter. Analyses have shown that a few of the compromised records had already been to 2018 due to data abuse to the police and in the present lists would, said the BKA on Monday.

The Federal Ministry of the interior, spoke of 50-to 60-severe cases, and about a thousand of it going further, which according to current knowledge, mainly pure contact details.

The Federal government wants to pull out of the case consequences and Cyber-security. This is to be created in the next few months, among other things, a “Cyber-defence centre plus”. (with dpa and Reuters)

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Sonja Álvarez Jost Müller-Neuhof

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