The German greenhouse gas emissions fell last year after four years of Stagnation again for the first time. The decline was 4.2 per cent, as the Federal environment Agency and the Federal environment Ministry on Tuesday said in Berlin. In comparison to the year 1990 Germany had reduced its emissions by 30.6 percent, 40-percent-reduction target for 2020 remains a distant prospect.

in Total, set in Germany in 2018, according to the 868,7 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions, 38 million tons less than in 2017. Significant reductions in Emissions, there was, therefore, in the energy industry and in private households. A slight decrease is also recorded in the transport sector. As causes for the reduction in total Federal environment Agency, cited a decline in the consumption of fossil energies, as well as the exceptionally warm weather.

“Germany has won in 2018, considerably more energy from Wind and solar and less coal, Oil, and Gas burned,” said the Federal environment Minister, Svenja Schulze (SPD). The decline in emissions is partly due to the Weather and other special effects, he shows, however, that the “climate protection act, measures such as green electricity expansion, the Coal phase-out and emissions trading”.

Actually, had determined the Federal government to reduce emissions in Germany by 2020 to 40 percent. This is the goal, however, since some time already as is, and not.

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by 2030, the government has committed itself to an emission reduction of at least 55 per cent compared with the 1990 level. To achieve this, “I presented the design of a climate protection law with a binding timetable and clear responsibilities”, said Schulze. “This law needs to be decided in this year, as well as packages of Measures in all areas, so Germany gets back on target.” (AFP)