the capital of India Delhi was covered on Sunday by a heavy, toxic smog of. The city’s air quality has plummeted in the weak this fall.

delhi’s air quality to independently measure the embassy of the United states, according to the Sunday morning toxic fine particles had a cubic metre of air in some places 810.

the World health organisation WHO, according to the safe maximum value is 25 pienhiuk dip the cubic meter.

– Pollution have risen to unsustainable levels, wrote on delhi, the prime minister of Arvind Kejriwal message service Twitter.

Kejriwal demanded the Indian central government to take measures so that the situation would improve.

in Delhi a population of about 20 million people. Many of the inhabitants suffer from respiratory and eye symptoms due to air pollution. Part of the delhi to use respirators.

the visibility was Sunday so weak smog due to that part of the city was the arrival of flights were delayed or they were diverted to other airports.

delhi’s air pollution is due to, inter alia, the mega-cities of several million vehicles, construction sites and industrial discharges.

Part of delhi to use respirators, such as the image of the traffic police.Rajat Gupta / EPAVuoden saasteisin time

the Finnish embassy in New Delhi temporary’affaires Erik af Hällström tells yle to telephone that poor air quality will immediately notice when you step out the door and breathe in. According to him, without soiling even the taste.

– Out movement has been trying to reduce. Those who can do so, try to be more indoors, where there is cleaner air, af Hällström said.

Af Hällströmin according to Delhi’s air quality is always heikoimillaan this time of year, because the city to surrounding provinces, the farmers burn these at the time of the agricultural waste. In addition, the November celebrations will be the great annual feast, which at the time of the explosion are plenty of fireworks.

When the temperature fell, so people who do not have the heat, begin to burn anything. It also affects the fact that the air quality is getting worse.

Af Hällström told that the local authorities have made efforts to reduce pollution, inter alia by allowing the even-numbered and odd by the numbers end destinations license plate equipped with cars driving just alternating to. In addition, some construction sites have been closed and the truck is at times prohibited from entering the city.

Last year’s release of the UN report, according to fourteen of the world’s fifteen most polluted cities are located in India. American studies according to the pollution killed millions of indian people prematurely each year.

Source: AFP

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