Many wonder whether the package home for christmas.

Post and logistics union PAU announced on Sunday that the Postal strike continuing 22. until December. In addition, the strike expanded in the Post office staff and store positions throughout the country.

Postal insurance, that a large part of the package from passing even now deliver service according to the promise in a couple of days. The post exceptional situations the director of Jarmo Ainasojan according to package time in the home country to your destination, as long as they mailed 20. December.

Collective views, however, already package side, too.

in a Small part of the packages is now the most day of delay, Ainasoja says.

the service package they get for christmas to arrive-although they would send in the previous week, said the package of services the director of Kati Nevalainen .

– Packages can safely send and receive mobile service through the network. We recommend that christmas packages be sent no later than 19. December, but even after this christmas gift can make to get to their adviser, if it to send quick package service.

Ainasojan according to the packet traffic does not suffer from the strike as much as letter mail, because packet processing is largely automated. Most of them will be delivered for pickup at stores or packages the car countries you.

Ainasojan according to, for example, Friday of Black Friday shopping come on time to your destination.

postnord, ceo of Johanna Starck according to the package arrived, but the small delay may be.

FAU’s support for the strike expanded flights

Aviation Union started Monday morning, about a day-long työseisauksen support activities of the postal strike.

SONG:no sympathy strike with regard to aircraft transmissions are now practically stop. Europe or go there transmissions in practice, currently the straddle. This delays due to, Ainasoja says.

Seamen’s Union announced on Sunday that the aid measures are valid as long, until the Post office and its employees representing the Postal and logistics union PAU member states to achieve a solution.

the Seamen’s Union, declared industrial action related to Finland flag sailing ships. They do not, therefore, transport support during the strike.

– on Tuesday morning we’ll see what kind of effect this has had on traffic, which comes with rubber wheels and contributed to the use of ship routes, Ainasoja says.

Because of the planes or ships were not the beginning of the week post, I support the strike because of the move, the Post package transportation is largely car dependent.Janne Järvinen / t is:no outside orders only after the strike through

Finnish Aviation Union’s strike is also directed to mail processing at the airport and has continued postal strike is over. The strike affected most strongly international packages that come from outside of Europe.

We don’t have access to the Helsinki–Vantaa waiting for packages because of the strike. So there might stand some mail packages, Ainasoja says.

christmas gifts so you might not want to subscribe to, for example, from China or the united states during the strike. Finland air transport arrived the package can be delivered until after the strike.

Also, the mailbox shared with the international delivery of letters, newspapers, and advertising transportation and distribution is interrupted.

Postnord had to stop during the transporting by truck of goods to the north.The magazine picture post nord more customers, but also the cost

the postal company postnord president and ceo of Johanna Starck told reporters that the company has received during the strike from the Postal service a lot of customers. At the same time, costs are also increased.

we Have to carry the packages to the north, and it lasts and costs more. We have to ask our customers stop supplements special arrangements, Starck said.

Now Postnord transports packages to Finland, the Baltic and the north as well as the Swedish flag sailing of ferries with the help of.

support stop the expansion stop Starck also ferry traffic.

When the stevedores started to support the strike, a hundred mimic the freeze, Starck said.

in a Car and the Transport workers union AKT told on Monday the expansion of PAU’s support stops also narrow the field.

compassion action starts this coming Thursday and will last two days.

postnord’s customers in the third quarter is the online store of users. Starck according to the package transport may be small delays, but until now, a large part of the package is reached on time to your destination.

I don’t dare promise anything the last days, when christmas gifts there’s still time to order. Support stop the expansion of is such a high risk for all operators, Starck said.

trip maintenance package traffic growth

trip maintenance package traffic has grown to two stops during the week the normal situation, compared to about 50 percent.

– in Practice, the christmas season has started two weeks earlier than usual, package services director Kati Nevalainen tell.

the R-kiosk services and playing category manager Sanna Toijonen said that from the kiosk to another transportable package, the demand is also growing about the side of the mail during the strike.

package of amount of growth is taken into account, for example, by booking to introduce more facilities for storage.

the service also carries the R-kiosks sold by the package of services.

a Package in the mail the week before christmas

Kati Nevalainen according to the mobile service is prepared for growth in demand throughout the autumn period and continues to do so.

We transfer the amount we will certainly grow this week, even if the strike is cancelled now. We follow daily the package the amount of development and where the need for additional sorting or transport capacity.

the goods the increase in traffic has so far caused only minimal delays in service delivery.

– Small local delays has been when popular parcel have been met so that the packages have been guided to again to another pickup point, Nevalainen said.

according to him, the trip maintenance package they get for christmas to arrive-although they would send in the previous week.

– Packages can safely send and receive mobile service through the network. We recommend that christmas packages be sent no later than 19. December, but even after this christmas gift can make to get to their adviser, if it to send quick package service.

Travel management according to the managing company has received mail during the strike of new corporate clients and also become consumers in the eyes of the better known.Paulus Markkula / Yle

Nevalainen, according to the ship traffic restrictive varnish is air transport more impact on mobile service from abroad received by broadcasting.

We transport is a very small part of the inbound air cargo. Ship traffic, we have tried to make specific arrangements and use of overland transport where ships do not go.

christmas card, maybe in January, there

the christmas card distribution has already problems. The post working on this year 3 000 christmas helper, but if labour disputes continue up to christmas day until the day of, all the christmas cards did not get for christmas deliver.

the paper of the consignments, such as letters, magazines and advertisements, the distribution may be delayed up to weeks.

Ainasojan according to the paper, the mail will be shared in early January, if the industrial action continues for two weeks.

If the industrial action continues for another two weeks, the balance of postal delivery with the obtain time of January–February, Ainasoja says.

Read more: support the strike began: see here the information bus, air and ship transport

the Stevedores to support the strike to stop Finland’s largest export port of the total traffic – the port director: “Nothing good from this does not follow”

Read this, how to support the strike affected – 300 flight is cancelled, the ships standing in the port, the bus will remain in the pits

MOT explained: This Post has lost millions of dollars

“it is Now dead” – the Strike did not stop the Mail packages, but the small online store of the customers it banished

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