A “zero point” is the compromise of the criminal code-Section 219a by the government this week. The Giessen gynecologist Kristina Hänel says, the section of the dispute over the contested Law, in:. On its website, the sober note that “abortion” as a medical supply. The courts see it as a criminal Offence and sentenced Hänel to a monetary penalty. A Revision is still pending.

it is Possible, however, that Doctors like the Hänel will no longer be criminalized so fast, “” if the agreement between the Union and the SPD is to the law. The government wants to amend section 219a. How, exactly, is open. However, it should be worded, “how Doctors and hospitals about the fact can inform you that they perform abortions”. So far, it is already a criminal offence, the engagement, only to announce or offer. The Federal government now wants to ensure “legal certainty”.

in other words: hospitals and Doctors that adhere to the guidelines, threaten sanctions will no longer. Real advertising, so advertising the performance, however, remains prohibited. Critics fear, however, that abortion opponents will continue to try to pull Doctors before the court, even if the information is factually about abortion.

backup of the information need

information is the second Central point of the Grand coalition compromise. Therefore, the state or a state officer should inform in the future on the topic. Federal medical chamber and the Federal centre for health education is to provide lists with “contact information”.

Here there are defects. In the spring, a daily mirror poll showed that some States are missing so far, the Overview, where women had a pregnancy termination can undertake – though you need to keep according to the law, a “sufficient supply”.

doctors President Frank-Ulrich Montgomery is still convinced that “we can secure the information needs of women and couples in distress,” he said on Thursday in “Germany funk”. The Grand coalition-agreement could be of real help for affected women. The composite doubted “Pro Familia”, an Association of Advisory centres for Pregnant women.

With the address lists, it was not done by far, said spokeswoman Regine Wlassitschau the daily mirror. “Our experience from the consultation shows that women are in need of more information,” reads a statement of the “Pro Familia”. To the question, “which method of abortion is performed, how the procedure is and how the attitude of the practice or the clinic to have an abortion looks count”.

Whether such detailed information will remain in the future as the “advertising” banned, it will show in the new year. The presented key points of the Grand coalition should be transformed into a legal text. In January, the Bundestag want to deal with fractions of the CDU and the SPD with the theme.

end of a test?

Until then, the agreement for the Grand coalition parties means a short breather. For CDU-Boss Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer, the dispute 219a of the first practice test in the new office. CDU-point of view, it has passed him. Because, according to its own Interpretation of the Conservatives against the social Democrats. Although the CDU and CSU wanted to have the paragraph 219a unchanged and now he is to be still supplemented. But: “The advertising ban remains in place,” says the Union. And this is the most Important.

The protection of the unborn life for the CDU in an “outstanding importance,” said Kramp-karrenbauer on Thursday on Twitter. A test 219a for SPD leader Andrea Nahles. Many Comrades take their evil, that they took the issue out of consideration for the Union in the spring of the agenda – although it would have been in the Bundestag have a majority in favour of the abolition of the paragraph.

many in the SPD want to, from the party Executive about the Jusos up to the “social democratic women” (AsF). You could agree to the compromise “never” said AsF Director Maria Noichl on Thursday.

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Section 219a Grand coalition compromise in the case of the ban on advertising for abortion

Otherwise, it remained in the party conspicuously quiet. Even the threats of the individual member of the German Bundestag, to blow up together with the Opposition, the coalition majority, have been silent. The revolt of the 219a opponents in the SPD is postponed. However, it is quite possible that the dispute will begin in the new year from the front.