April means easter and easter means holidays, and holidays means for a good portion of the danes free.

Temperatures requires, however in these days, to dress up in warm clothes when going out of the front door. This is changing, fortunately in the coming week, where the weather – just like earlier in the month – will show himself from his very neat hand.

– When we take the hole on the easter week, so begins the really fine with dry weather, sunshine and a wind in the eastern corner, and the temperatures creeping slowly upwards, so we end up on, where it goes the highest, around 15 degrees, says meteorologist at DMI, Steen Hermansen.

if you Plan to use påskefridagene out in the emerging Danish forårsland, so there is a good reason not to wait too long, when the passover on Thursday kicks off. The weekend can bid on the unstable weather.

– There we have a really nice start to the week. Monday, Tuesday and especially Wednesday, and then hope we the so, when we start at easter, as most people know that are interested that we can keep it here good weather. In each case, the first easter day.

– It is not something I completely dry laws yet, there are signs, however, that we maundy Thursday and good Friday, is still in the here eastern wind by up to 15 degrees, but we wait so as easter progresses, that it becomes a bit more unstable, and we should probably count on that passover ends with some more clouds and also with the risk of a little rain, sounds from Steen Hermansen.

While the rest of april promises to be a vejrmæssigt a mixed bag, so are there signs that we can begin to look forward to the beginning of may, where we potentially can reach forsommerlige modes. the

– We may be lucky and get some warm air up from the southern climes, and so we will again be able to come to see temperatures up around the 20 degree heat and place to the sun, ” says Steen Hermansen.

The cold ocean temperatures do, however, that the weatherman will not issue guarantees.

– We must take care of a little, for we have, therefore, a relatively cool sea water around us, and it can therefore mean both low clouds and tågebanker in the regions, and so there is still a risk that we can get some fronts over.

– But it is true that the first of may, there is a tradition that we may well come up and experience a little forsommerligt weather with around 20 degrees, concludes Steen Hermansen.