the Iconic Hassisen machine occur occur next summer, the original size of the input gets the hometown of Joensuu as well as in the Province and the Tampere ratina in.

Poko Records in the garage all the long playing record by the band defined the new guidelines for the English rock boom of the new wave punk than progressive rockistakin drawn by the sound at.

Sari Eronen-Mäkelä experience Hassisen machine Joensuu normal school sports hall in 1980. It was one of the band’s first public appearances.

I Was going to look at It-a band that I like at the time a lot. The opening act was Hassisen machine, kind of like a new band. I thought, what the hell is this, there is some strange looking guy and a weird looking band, I really wish It quick, to the stage. The same probably think of many others.

– Gradually the audience, however, is and many have said that this time the opener was better than the headliner. It Hassisen machine rocketing motion in my case.

Eronen-Mäkelä, according Hassisen machine fan to find a number of reasons: the band was from the area, i.e. North Karelia and the lyrics touched a teenager the idea of the world.

I Remember walking home at night on some party and thinking, that this than straight on This road -the song – no one can understand me as well as Ismo Alanko . The lyrics were the biggest thing, they appealed to the pain of the world and all that, what that age experience. Teen angst in addition to the texts was a justice of the applicant, which appealed to me.

the 1980s Hassisen machine. Full steam agency still relevant band

Sari Eronen-Mäkelä has been Hassisen machine gigs numerous times. The most intense single experience of the event in Joensuu, finland, in 1982, when the band appeared across the artistic together in dance theatre Raatikko with.

It was a cultural experience with a big d letter. Also in the Wind -tour gig atmosphere tiketti in stuck: the band played at some of the truck stage.

Already Hassisen machine at the time was a foregone conclusion that the Ismo in the Lowlands to grow something big.

When followed, will clearly get the feeling that this person will become Finland’s new national poet.

Sari Eronen-mäkelä’s view, Hassisen machine music is relevant to this day. Particularly close he will experience plastic roses apple trees -song, which states, that the streets lying just people peel / look at the Karelian brave young people.

– The song still feels in the heart and it is even more hard stuff karjalainen, who has moved to Helsinki and abandoned their own home kontunsa. It has many parallels to my own life: how to karelian culture can retain – or dispose of – and how people will change when forced by the business to life.

If the schedule you agreed on, Sari Eronen-Mäkelä will go next summer to experience Hassisen the machine again.

– I guess it will be nostalgia jitter as well as myself that the other, singing together, and the spirit of self-raising.

Hassisen machine music and interviews in the Life of the repository.

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