Earlier, during the easter weekend, announced Bengtzboe that he will leave his position as vice chairman of the parliamentary arbetsmarknadsutskott and the role of the role of the Conservatives spokesperson for labour.
reveal how Bengtzboe been written with her mother and picked out Stockholmstraktamente as well as compensation for what counted as a övernattningslägenhet in Stockholm. His wife and children, however, have been written in the apartment. According to Bengtzboe it was all a mistake. To Aftonbladet, he has stated that he does not live in the home of his mother, but in a holiday home in Nyköping and missed to write on the right address. According to Nyköping municipality and the data is not, however, the house is a permanent residents, but are used only a few weeks during the summer. Erik Bengtzboe has announced that he will pay the money back.
Then the former is a förutredning initiated by the Prosecutor’s office to assess how they relate to current regulations. You will then make a decision about a criminal investigation should be opened. Erik Bengtzboe is currently not suspected of a crime.
During the Wednesday held the nominating committee of the conservative party in Sörmland an extraordinary meeting to discuss about the Bengtzboe could continue as the chairman of the conservative party in Sörmland, sweden. DN has sought the committee’s chairman Lotta Finstorp.
DN is looking for Erik Bengtzboe.
Read more: Picked out 158.000 sek – was written with her mother
the Text is updated.