Emmanuel Macrons government now calls home, his Romambassadör for consultations is an exceptional diplomatic effort against a neighbouring country that has long been a close ally to France. The relations both between the member states has deteriorated since the populist Femstjärnerörelsen and the right-wing Lega Nord got a long row heavy seats in the Italian coalition government last year.
– Both of these parties see the Macros as a representative of the liberal political establishment that they hate. Several heated conversations have taken place, not least on immigration policy, but the last straw for the French came in the week, then Femstjärnerörelsens leader Luigi Di Maio – who is also Italy’s deputy prime minister met representatives of the French protest movement of the Yellow vests.
Read more: the Fight escalates when the French are calling home their Italienambassadör
– Yellow västarnas rebellion have pushed the Macron,, and Luigi Di Maio made a big thing of the meeting. He described it as ”beautiful”, and laid out a picture on social media with the comment: ”the wind of Change has crossed the Alps”.
– It is far from certain that the ”yellow vests” as he posed with the really have support in the movement for the plans to set up a list in the european Elections. But the French government accuses Di Maio to ”manipulate diplomatic relations with the purpose to influence the outcome of the election.”
– the Lega Nord’s leader Matteo Salvini – he is also Italy’s deputy prime minister – has said that he hopes that France can do away with their ”horrible leaders”. It is hardly likely that he or Femstjärnerörelsens representatives lowers the tone – especially not that they deliberately use the conflict to mobilise their voters. Even the president of the Macron seems to have started election campaign, and has just proved that he is not going to turn the other cheek.