” No. If the person in question not have been present in the Congo-Kinshasa during the last three weeks, it is unlikely that this evening’s test results in Enköping could be positive. Three weeks is the maximum incubation period for ebola and there is only an ongoing outbreak in the world right now.

– If a health worker has been in the region, there is a theoretical probability that any infected and brought the virus. However, unlike the outbreak in west africa in 2014, there is a vaccine available and it is given to most workers who also control their body temperature repeatedly after departure from the affected area. Other travelers from the Congo would be able to carry the virus but the disease is rampant in an isolated part of the Congo, and therefore, the probability for this type of infection transmission is low. Everything points toward that health care is just showing extra caution when symptoms consistent with the ebola pops up, because there is an active infection right now.

Read more: Suspected case of ebola in Uppsala county, sweden

– Over 600 people have now been infected and it is the worst outbreak in the Congo’s history and the second-largest ever in the world after the 2014 outbreak in west africa. The situation is not under control, for several reasons. There is an ongoing conflict, trust in government and authorities is at an all-time low many years ago and health care is extremely limited. The situation is thus opposite to that in Sweden. If – and this is a big If, as previously mentioned, it would prove to be ebola that have appeared in Enköping, sweden, is the Swedish healthcare system is well prepared to take care of a case.

Read more: A funeral like no other – tvååringen died of ebola

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