we live in the ”right-wing 1968” has long been clear. The concept was launched two years ago in the Gp of moderatveteranen Olof Ehrenkrona, and has not become less topical since then.

modify it to ”outplay the early 1970s”. For what we see is an ongoing division of people, parties and organisations to the right of the political spectrum. People who have been consistent in the decades fly suddenly to each other in the throat, new parties arise with equally exciting abbreviations the high-flying hopes.

With the fragmentation follows a aggressivisering: the more radical högerrösterna hate like liberals with greater fervor than they hate the left. In the sect is the worst. Just as often, it was the socialists and other ”reformists”, not högermänniskor, which was bokstavsvänsterns worst enemies.

over the Twitters and Facebook’s place in this context. Correspond to the all these stencils, and pamphlets with the text ”Remember Ådalen – solidarity with Vietnam”, which 45 years ago was handed out at every liquor store worthy of the name?

Then it hit me: No, Twitter is, of course, nyhögerns variation on the standing demonstrationstågen.

The more radical högerrösterna hate liberals with greater fervor than they hate the left. In the sect is the worst.

Think about it: A lot of people going in the same direction. All think the same thing. New slogans are greeted by applause and ryggdunk. The ranks are replenished by new faces who fall in with the crowd and produces a lovely, anonymous hop for which everything seems possible. So many we are – and we are all agreed, it must mean that the whole world thinks as we do, and that the revolution is near!

from the outside, and dare to say against it – immediately surrounding the we hen and drowns out the protests with the pur voting power of mockery and laughter. Lovely is to live and to be many!

Just as in the case of the left’s marches, it is easy to overestimate the åsikternas representation in the surrounding community. The new parties found to get just a few thousand votes, the vast majority of swedes remain in the åsikternas secure the center and shows only scattered interest in the more extreme manifestations.

About a decade, the world spinning on. Nyhögerns big figureheads are doing other things, Rebecca Weidmo Uvell is manager, Hanif Bali is it company or is an ambassador in Zagreb. It happens that unknown people come up to them on the street: ”Damn Hanif, it is the Mange6391 from Twitter! How wonderful it was when, do you remember when I called Annie Lööf batikhäxa?”

And Hanif replies, ”Yes, fun, I remember you a little vague, it was the times.” But as well as of the left, the gray panthers, now mediechefer and architects, he wants deep inside is not to experience just those times again.