It is extremely important. For more than a month ago lost IS the last shard of his självutropade ”caliphate” in Syria/Iraq, Bahguzdistriktet in eastern Syria.
This was, of course, a geographical. The caliphate has been a central part of the ICE claims to represent the whole of the world’s muslims. Now, suddenly Abu Bakr al-Bagdadi the ‘ caliph without a country”.
But last week took the ICE on the massive terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka, something that al-Bagdadi takes up in his speech. You can say that he stakes out a different path for the ICE, where they try to do damage against the west and ”infidels” by självmordsdåd and nålsticksoperationer, without its own territory.
Read more: Data: ICE-leader calls for ”war of attrition”
after all, we can never be absolutely sure. Clip sent in the post and, of course, there are possibilities to manipulate the. But the pattern of publication, it follows the mode that al-Bagdadi followed in the past, the few times he appeared.
There, you can really ask. al-Bagdadi has a price on his head of 20 million dollars. American intelligence has killed the whole of the internal circuit of the IS-leaders, mainly in the al-Bagdadi – 42 – in the air strikes.
ICE-leader have reasonably access to a loyal väktarstyrka with extremely good local knowledge of the area along the border between Syria and Iraq, and he avoids all signalbunden communication to not be able to be traced. But still, it’s strange that the world’s strongest military power, those who hunted al-Bagdadi around the clock the last five years, not managed to track down and incapacitate him.