In a guest post with the title “Europe’s right” replied the CDU-Chairman, Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer last weekend in the “world on Sunday” to Emmanuel Macron. The President of France, had demanded a few days earlier, a “fresh start in Europe” and his election campaign for the European elections on may 26. May opened.

In some areas, including the creation of a common border police at the external borders of the EU, are the claims of the two congruent. However, Kramp-karrenbauer rejects the claim Macrons, an EU-wide minimum wage. Which of the claims by Kramp-Karrenbauer and Macron have a Chance at realization, which are reality? A Comparison.

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer occupied in a systematic and high-speed topics, which were previously the domain of the Chancellor.Photo: dpa/Bernd von Jutrczenka

Kramp cart Builder Europe concept:

a Common internal market for banks

“If we want our companies to be financed in Europe in the future of European banks, we need to create a common internal market for banks,” writes Kramp-Karrenbauer. However, the CDU leader says what they mean.

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to order at the same time, suggests that the EU operates on the basis of the experience gained during the financial crisis for years already at the creation of a banking Union. The European Central Bank (ECB) has now taken over the supervision of the major banks in the Euro-Zone. Also at the community settlement of bankrupt banks in the Euro-Finance Ministers have now come a long way.

digital tax with the USA

Kramp-Karrenbauer calls for a digital tax oriented “to the OECD model”. So, you know, with the Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz (SPD) agreed, also the fact that in the coming year, the digital tax, is an agreement on the level of the organization for economic cooperation and development found – and thus also with the USA. Whether US President Donald Trump is involved, but is open. That is why France leads the digital expensive now.


Both the CDU leader, as well as Macron call for reform of the EU border protection Agency Frontex for a joint border police. In order to a race at the EU open doors: According to a decision of Principle by the EU member States, the number of border guards is to be extended to 2027 to 10,000.

However, the EU had requested the Commission originally, a faster build-up of border protection. The Plan of the Brussels authority, to achieve in the coming year, the increase to 10,000 Frontex officials, proved to be not feasible.

a Common EU seat at the UN

to achieve The requirement that the EU should in the future be a common permanent seat in the security Council of the United Nations represented, with France. Paris is not willing to let their own permanent seat in an EU seat to rise.

Instead, it is now considered a “priority of the German-French diplomacy” that Germany will be included as a permanent member of the security Council. So it is in the German-French friendship Treaty of Aachen, which was closed in January.

Brussels as the sole seat of the European Parliament

the plenary session of The European Parliament meets regularly in Strasbourg. All of the sessions, as Kramp-Karrenbauer desired, could in the future take place in Brussels, would have to be EU Treaty change. France has a veto right and will not give up, therefore, of Strasbourg as the venue.

, the President of France Emmanuel Macron.Photo: imago

Macrons Europe-ideas:

European minimum wage

the French head of state-wide minimum wage, adapted to each member country and for each year together to be renegotiated should be called a Europe. Also, if the demand for a “framework for minimum wage regulations” in the EU is also in the Berlin coalition agreement is likely to be the implementation is difficult.

In 22 of the 28 EU member States there is a statutory wage floor. You, however, is missing among other things in Italy, Austria and the Nordic countries. It is controversial whether the EU has competence, for example to an increase of the Bulgarian minimum wage – it is 1.57 Euro per hour to penetrate. According to the EU Treaty “supports and complements” the community, only the member States in labour market policy.

Schengen area

For the Schengen area, which allows, in principle, a control-free travel within the EU, Macron in the case of the migration policy, a more ambitious reorganization as Kramp-Karrenbauer. For a membership to the Schengen area, countries must accept the idea of the French President in the future, common rules in the asylum policy.

According to the current level appears, this is illusory, as, for example, Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban rejects common rules for the admission of refugees strictly.

European Council

Both Macron as well as Kramp-Karrenbauer in favour of a European security Council with the involvement of the UK. The demand comes from the Consideration that the EU diplomacy is due to the unanimity principle, too cumbersome, and the UK is to remain as a foreign policy heavy weight, in spite of the Brexit more as close as possible to the EU is connected. Even if the idea has some charm, this is at best a very long-term projects.

EU economic policy

the French head of state proposes a Reform of the EU competition policy. Macron wants to create “European Champions” – companies that can compete in the world. The requirements of the EU Commission, which had recently prevented a merger of the rail, Alstom and Siemens divisions, both the governments in Paris, as in Berlin, a thorn in the eye.

In any case, the Reform of the EU competition law due to pressure from Germany and France in the coming weeks on the Agenda – even if the Brussels competition Commissioner, Margrete Vestager locks against a Change in the existing rules.

Agency for democracy

The proposal Macrons, the voters in the member States a new EU Agency to protect against Manipulation, appears to be superfluous. Already now, the EU Commission pursues the aim of unfair influence by dubious election advertising in Facebook and co. to prevent before the European elections.