European politician Elmar Brok is the new year’s reception of the NRW-CDU. The national Board of Directors of the NRW-CDU has Elmar Brok for the next…photo: Marcel Kusch/dpa

Now comes the Brokxit. The senior members of the European Parliament and Brexit Officer, from radio and television to the audience familiar Europe-grants explainer after 40 years of its offices in Brussels and Strasbourg. Elmar Brok (CDU), which is in may, 73 years of age, but not voluntary. If it would have gone after him, had sought the East Westphalian in the European elections in may, again in a secure place on the list for a mandate. That would have been his ninth term, has been in Europe for five years. However, his party him no longer wanted. Against the resistance of the NRW party leader Armin Brok’s candidacy of the CDU was to boot Laschet-district Chairman.

eccentric and choleric

Brok is a politician, how are you today, only very rarely in the parliaments. It starts with the fact that the man – trademark Walroßschnauzer, hanky, self-confessed cigar Smoking is equally eccentric and choleric. Legendary are the stories in which taxi drivers and employees had to suffer the consequences of his bad mood.

daily mirror people


His passion is Europe. Brok about Brok: “I am not come on the CDU to Europe, but through Europe to the CDU.” Two periods, he was Chairman of the foreign Affairs Committee. Brok, broke off his law degree and was a Journalist, managed to be in Brussels, temporarily, both as a Lobbyist for Bertelsmann, as well as a member of Parliament. He has worked on all of the major changes to the Treaty of Amsterdam, nice and Lisbon programmatically. For journalists Brok is a blessing. He is available around the clock, ready and willing to share his in-depth analysis with them. In his gruff way, he keeps his thoughts behind the mountain: “I say it once, well-Westphalian: This is for the pants.” As good as no interview request is rejected: “you Try it tonight on the phone, to 22 o’clock I have a meeting.”

contacts to Albright and Bush

The Tragic thing is that he has not recognized to go when it was time. “The people couldn’t see him,” says another CDU member of Parliament about the mood at the base. In the case of the functionaries in NRW, he was at the end while below, in the policy he is still a big number. Indicative of that is, who reported everything to the word, as the list was place in danger. Not only European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, who belongs to the same Christian democratic family of parties as he is, also, the left Green Sven Giegold made strong for his new candidacy.

Brok is not only a good explainer of Europe, the flame of the Europeans, but also a successful puppeteer. He knows them all, whether it is the former US Secretary of state al Capone Albright or US President George Bush. His main instrument is the mobile phone. Its capital is saved, the numbers of his conversation partners in the world. The fact Angela Merkel and other call him when you need him advice, he tapped his rather cryptic SMS without title.

Especially close is his relationship to Juncker. Thus, the ultimate tip of Brok, came as Juncker needed before the last European elections, a strategic head for the preparation of his or her top candidate. Brok Martin Selmayr, was Juncker’s chef de Cabinet and later as Secretary-General of the Commission, the most important strategist of the mandate conveyed to him. Juncker: “Without him I would be lost.”

More about

European election, the CDU Executive Board in NRW, EU-Veteran Brok by fall

Albrecht Meier

That the upcoming Parliament-hits From Brok’s heavy, needs to be adopted. Very professional can be Brok but say nothing. On the day that he announced his final resignation, he stated: “I am looking forward to the Venture of a fresh start and my new reign over my schedule.”