Cheers and long applause broke out among the Theresa Mays of supporters after the results of the förtroendeomröstningen was clear. May survived, 200 voted that they have confidence in her, 117 against.

For Theresa May, it was a arbetsseger. Throughout Wednesday, she fought for their survival as party leader. In parliament, in the meeting with their partikollegor and in tv interviews warned her of the consequences of changing the party leader at the same time as the Uk is in the middle of the process to leave the EU. She urged the party to unite in order to serve the people and repeated time and time again that she wants to complete the work to take Britain out of the EU.

it was probably that she during the day, announced that she has no plans to lead the party in the next election. It can have decidedly the voice of the conservatives who are unhappy with May but is concerned for a fight for the leadership, during the height of the Brexit process.

Now, is Theresa May’s haven from the more förtroendeomröstningar the coming year. But it does not mean that her problem is over. The victory, despite the remains the united kingdom to a divided country and the Tories, a party with deep differences of opinion in the EU-issue. As the prime minister have over 100 votes against itself is also no small figure.

And May are immediately faced with new, difficult battles. The biggest challenge will be to turn it utträdesavtal who May have agreed with the EU by the uk parliament. On Monday, she received a postponement of the vote, well aware that the agreement would be voted down.

bring something home from a summit in Brussels at the end of the week to be able to attract more parliamentarians to support the agreement. Although the EU has said that it is not willing to change anything. But the EU can help May start with any type of extension that stresses that the so-called back-stops, the guarantee that there should be no new physical border between northern Ireland and Ireland, is temporary. It is this guarantee that angered brexitörer the most. As they see it, the agreement can fool the Uk to remain in the EU customs union forever. Neither the leader of the opposition Labour party supports the agreement.

That May won the means, not the end of the turmoil which has surrounded british politics ever since the people voted to leave the EU. The divisions in the Brexitfrågan seen everywhere, and before the vote on Wednesday, advised the nervous mood in the neighbourhood of the british parliament.

To have this misstroendeomröstningen is a big mistake.

Amber Rudd. Photo: Mark Earthy

– To have this misstroendeomröstningen is a big mistake. We already have enough uncertainty in this country about the Brexit. The prime minister has delivered the only agreement there is. To believe that we can start again now when the clock is ticking is a huge mistake, ” said Amber Rudd, the minister for employment, prior to the vote.

dressed up as santa claus, clearly showed to those who passed by Westminster, what he thinks about the situation: ”Brexit a hoho hopeless mess.”

But behind the lösskägget are seriously. After Brexitomröstningen have his firm, which imports, among other things, solar panels, got to say up almost half of its employees. The reason is that the pound greatly weakened. Even if he is against Brexit, he hoped that Teresa May would survive.

– Otherwise, take the conservative flank of the Tories over, and the risk that we crash out of the EU is growing.

Tim Evans. Photo: Mark Earthy

prime minister, he believes the chances that there will be a new referendum on the increase. He expects that her agreement is governed in parliament, and the question after that again goes back to the people.

And then it will be a real referendum. In the one we had last time did not know the people what they voted on. Now they are better informed.

He thinks, despite everything that May have done a good job – based on the conditions.

– She has done her best to reconcile all of the opinions within the party, where everyone fights with each other instead of thinking of the people.

with that, May would win the vote, and she don’t like it.

” She is according to me the worst prime minister we’ve ever had. She completely lacks creativity and imagination. The only thing she can is to read the packaging.

Susi Sap want to have a ”real brexitör” as a leader. One that ensures that the Uk clearly cuts the ties to the EU.

Susi Sap. Photo: Mark Earthy

– Theresa May says that Brexit means Brexit but does not act according to it. It is the only word for her.

She worried for what happens if a new referendum will be up to date.

” If you go against democracy in order to challenge the strong forces. Finally, I fear that it will lead to civil disobedience.

the DN sent directly on location in London during the evening:

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