the Number one on the social democratic list for the spring EUROPEAN elections, is former minister Heléne Fritzon. She goes including to the choice that the EU should be a supranational migration policy. S also want to have a offensivare supranational climate policy and has been ever since Sweden became a member of the EU, priority social issues and employees ‘ rights – an area where the EU has just begun to enact laws. In addition, the promise Fritzon to cooperate more with the liberals in Europe – those that operate on the most in order to give the union more power.

the Other name on the ballot, Johan Danielsson, will, however, go in the opposite direction. ”Take back control” is his slogan, the same as the successful Brexitkampanjens.

”I have all respect for LO to formulate the pointed and sharp. It is the LO’s campaign”, says Heléne Fritzon little enthusiastically.

of the LO-voters on the S. it is Now about 40 per cent. The social democrats ‘ election assessment statement writes that it is ”of crucial importance to strengthen the position among the LO’s members.”

But the labour party has had a difficult time to formulate the alternative to the liberal wave that swept over the world since the 1980s. S has gone to the center and abandoned their old recipe for the reduction of divisions based on class. Instead, it is the populists to the left and the right, which captured much of the dissatisfaction that has grown among the European workers in the wake of globalization.

analysgrupp regret that the social democrats have not commanded sufficient resistance against the neoliberal agenda.

When the party opens its congress in Örebro in the day do you do it after having done up with the Centre party and the Liberals to lower taxes for those who earn the most and to liberalise the labour market and the housing market. The party did so despite LO’s harsh criticism. Also at home the messages to different directions.

It is unsustainable in the long run.

Read the interview with Heléne Fritzon: ”the EUROPEAN elections could mean more cooperation or a breakdown”

Listen to the full conversation with Fritzon in the pod ”Studio DN”