The Swedish policy continues to be highly flammable. Up until a week ago it hit in front of all the sparks between the Moderates and the Christian democrats on the one hand, and the Centre party on the other.

But now it has started to burn in the knot on the fyrpartisamarbetet.

declared Thursday that he will seek a vote of no confidence on Annika Strandhäll.

the Background is that the Agency’s director-general Ann-Marie Begler petades from his services for a little over a year ago. Ann-Marie Begler said in an interview with DN that political reasons were behind the decision. According to Begler, the government was afraid to lose the forthcoming elections. The social insurance office had received a lot of criticism for the harsh assessments of the sick and persons in need of personal assistance.

Annika Strandhäll said that the government had a long dialogue with the social Insurance agency and its board of directors, and that it led up to the Begler was lifted away, according to all the statskonstens rules.

constitutional affairs (KU) Strandhälls action. Several parties have accused the minister of having lied to KU about what happened. But the Conservatives see no reason to wait for the review. On 28 may, parliament will vote on the socialförsäkringsministerns future.

the Conservatives plummeting poll, partiledarens declining popularity and the difficulties to make an impact in the EU-election campaign is likely to have played a part in partiledarens decision to take the battle on the Strandhäll already now. Ulf Kristersson want to show that he has the initiative and is still the leader of the opposition, despite the fact that both Ebba Busch Thor and Jimmie Åkesson act as if they led the resistance against the Löfvenregeringen.

the Christian democrats joined immediately to the Research initiatives, Jimmie Åkesson waited to fredagsförmiddagen. Had already the Liberal party leader Jan Björklund had time to tell you that his party will vote against the Strandhäll.

probably check for that decision. A new leader will soon be elected, and Jan Björklund of wanted to not that the party is again split into a heartbreaking question, the cleavage in the formation of the government was painful enough.

Annika Strandhälls future hangs now on The centre party’s votes. The left has been clear, that it is not going to stand behind this motion of censure.

Jan Björklund says that the Liberals ‘ attempt to dismiss a minister does not mean anything for the budgetary cooperation with the government, but it is hard to believe. The atmosphere between the four samarbetspartierna P, MP, L and C have deteriorated dramatically.

First wanted the government not set up on the cost of the proposal to the future of the defense as eight parties jointly developed, after which all the four bourgeois parties left the defense. Now came this.

and its president, Annie Lööf. Do not go Party with on the misstroendeförklaringen against Strandhäll, M and KD most likely re-questioned about the Lööf party really is bourgeois.

When defense minister Peter Hultqvists future was at stake in a vote of no confidence nearly two years ago, both the Centre party and the Liberals to put down the votes. Hultqvist was allowed to continue. Now it is the Party alone that is being pinched. The party calls itself the opposition party, but can work at the same time, with the government on state budgets. Which is more important?

the Government pressed of course. Prime minister Stefan Löfven forced to consider whether he should sacrifice, Annika Strandhäll to end the fight. The government need to re-establish the good samarbetsklimatet with C and L as previously testified. Otherwise, get the Socialists to join a match if its regeringsskicklighet during the EU-election campaign.

Read more: Government offices called the F-cashier to not disclose the data