There are moments like this, the Republicans hope. Michael Cohen, was supposed to reply as a personal lawyer, the right Hand of Donald Trump, on the question, whether he believe, that he was a good lawyer. His interview in front of the control Committee of the US house of representatives is taking more than two hours. The question made Thomas Massie, the Republican Congresswoman from Kentucky, who voted on the previous day with twelve of the other party friends and of the democratic majority in the Parliament against Trumps wall-a state of emergency, so no Trump-Younger. Cohen is reluctant to what is happening this Wednesday rarely, and then says: Yes. Particularly convincing is the acts, and Massie. How can you be a good legal Advisor, if you haven’t thought about it in his own words, once again, about whether or not it is legal to pay a bribe for your silence at the pornstar Stormy Daniels.
It quickly became clear what the main goal of the Republicans is at this hearing: they want to destroy the credibility of the witnesses, of a witness who had already admitted to, to have the Congress lied, was convicted, and in may his three-year prison term would start, as several of the members say. Even Trump himself is attacking Cohen on Wednesday from North Korea: “He’s lying, in order to reduce his prison time,” he writes on Twitter.
That Cohen is a notorious liar, is a part of General knowledge. But now he wants to convince the Public that he is telling the truth this Time, nothing but the truth, as he swears it to the beginning of the survey. And what he says, is the first former close Confidante of the President in a public inquiry, it has with it. Perhaps the most important statement: Trump had pre-known by the publication of hacked E-Mails from the Democrats by Wikileaks during the election campaign of 2016 – Cohen accuses Trump in order to be directly in the smear campaign against Hillary Clinton involved.
“He told me in his own way, that I should lie”
Cohen also says that he had lied to the Congress in November only to protect Trump. The case concerned the planned construction of a Trump tower in Moscow, which came in the end. Cohen had initially explained that the plans had been abandoned in January 2016. Later, he admitted to have until approximately June 2016, and is trying to get permission from the Russian authorities for the project, at a time when Trump was already in the election campaign. The disputes that.
Cohen’s description of lying as the President had asked directly – “to Trump” – but still, unmistakably, the sounds legally soft. But Cohen has more than ten years of working for Trump, he says, he knew what this wanted of him. During the election campaign, Trump looked him in the eye and said, there is no Russia-shops, although the negotiations were carried out. Then Trump went out, and I even lied to the people in this way. “He told me in his own way, that I should lie.”
Cohen paints a devastating picture of his former boss. “He is a racist. He is a conman. And he is a fraud,“ says the 52-Year-old in his 30-minute statement, which he repeats quietly, hands folded. “I repent for all the help and support I have granted to him all the time.” He, too, regret the Public the truth about Trump so long denied. He takes his accusations with examples, about how Trump had always expressed offensive remarks about African-Americans or, as he in whose behalf schools have threatened for the case, that would have published his notes. As evidence, Cohen has such a letter, along with other documents to prove his statement. Including also copies of balance sheets from the years 2011 to 2013, with Trump’s to have lied to the Deutsche Bank, still loans are, as U.S. banks refused.
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special investigator against Trump, It’s Mueller Time!
Juliane Schäuble
What not to present Cohen, are evidence that Trump or his campaign team in 2016, had secret agreements with Russia – an accusation, the FBI special investigator Robert Mueller investigated, with the Cohen cooperates. Cohen says only that he had a suspicion that Trump was aware of a Meeting of the representatives of the campaign teams, with the Russians in June 2016. But a suspicion is not sufficient to remove the President from office.