Donald Trump’s campaign to get re-elected as the president adds the already millions of dollars a month on digital marketing. During the first two months put the campaign of 3.5 million dollars on only Facebookannonser. Many of these ads have now been shown to be in violation of Facebook’s användarregler.

the campaign was addressed to women in Texas broke the Trump campaign against a rule that prohibits ads that are explicitly addressed to only one gender. Trumps ads began with the phrase ”Attention, ladies!” (Listen up women!!!). After the progressive news site Popular Information revealed this was the offense of the other news media, which prompted Facebook to remove the ads.

”We do not allow ads that appeal to specific personalities or gender of the user. We have informed the campaign that they need to change the ads to be published”, wrote the company in a message.

had the ads, however, already reached the intended target groups. Facebook has to face harsh criticism for their framework for the ads often seems to be applied retroactively – only after the news media paid attention to the problems.

In this case it was relatively harmless content, but the disclosure shows that Facebook, despite all the promises of tougher measures against illegal content, still, has not succeeded in establishing a system that stops unauthorized ads and posts before they can reach millions of users. In Robert mueller’s recently published investigation was mentioned at 14 times Facebook’s important role in the Russian påverkanskampanjen in the last elections.

worrying signals that the problems that characterized the social media during the presidential elections in 2016 threatens to be repeated in 2020. Despite technology’s constant promises to resolve the problems of unauthorised content they seem to still not have found particularly effective methods to stop the spread of problematic and illegal ads and malicious content.

In the week also revealed Guillaume Chaslot, former high-ranking developer on Youtube, the video ended up in Youtube’s search results of Robert mueller’s investigation of Russian influence during the presidential election in 2016, ironically, was a grossly misleading news coverage from Russia Today.

at the same time revealed to the news site Vice to Twitter to avoid to apply the same rules to ban the right-wing content that they use to ban content promoting islamist extremism. They explained this by a more general ban of the right-wing white power-post would mean that they had to ban multiple accounts from prominent republicans.

there is Much to suggest thus that the informationskaos that characterized the presidential elections in 2016 can be repeated also next year.