When you talk about the flag, father’s day lift today for the first time, to the same level as mother’s day. The flag will be hoisted fathers in triumph 8.

the state council approved in march, flagging regulation change, which will father’s day became an official flag day. Before it was the “only” established flag day.

Difference removal has contributed to the state of the message that parenting is equal iloineen and responsibilities, said the then interior minister Kai Mykkänen (ioc.) STT.

In 1978 the flag setting has been changed these days, only once before, in 1996.

in Finland you can fly the national flag whenever there is a need

Today, Finland is the seventh annual official flag-raising day. Their addition to the official flag-raising days are election days and the day when the president of the republic takes office.

in Addition, the university of Helsinki to submit the state calendar is marked by 12 flag day. But what is the difference between the official and established flag day actually is?

in Practice, very little survives of the interior ministry on the instructions (switch to another service).

State agencies and institutions are obliged to flag as the official flag-raising days. The ministry of internal affairs advises that established as the flag-days the Finnish flag would be hoisted in the same way as the official flag-raising days.

in any case, Finland is flagging freedom: everyone has the right to fly the national flag whenever necessary – even then, to celebrate, mourn or show respect.

before: father’s day is now the official flag – flagging regulation amended only once before

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