The countries have stopped by the Federal government aimed at fundamental change in the law for grants to School-digitization for the time being. The Federal Council decided on Friday unanimously, the joint mediation Committee of the Bundestag for a “fundamental Revision” to call.

In the sitting of the chamber of States made several Prime Ministers across party lines, fundamental reservations against the plans of the Federal government. This was a “frontal assault on our Federal system,” said the baden-württemberg government’s chief Winfried Kretschmann (Green). “We want no diminution of the countries.” In the case of the digital equipment of the schools, it is important to give the Gas. With the planned amendment of the basic law, the Federal government and the Bundestag have taken a wrong path.

The Rhineland-Palatinate Minister President Malu Dreyer (SPD) showed up annoyed, “how in through the back door, the right of self-determination of the countries to cut”. Schleswig-Holstein is the head of government, Daniel Günther (CDU) warned: “The law is much too important in a fast run now significant Changes there.”

in Thuringia, and head of the government, Bodo Ramelow (Left) warned of a permanent destruction of federalism. “This is a poisoned chalice of the worst kind.” Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) said, with the formation as Urkompetenz of the countries of the Federal nerve’m going to hit””.

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The Bundestag had decided on the controversial plans at the end of November, after the Grand coalition had agreed with the FDP and the Greens. Accordingly, the basic law should be amended so that the Federal government can promote the planned digitisation of the schools, although not, he is responsible for schools, but the countries.

The Federal government wants to transfer the countries in the next five years, five billion euros. He does not want to have a say in the quality and staff of the schools. Many countries do not want, however.

Federal Minister of education, Anja Karliczek (CDU), said before the Federal Council meeting of the “Rheinische Post” (Friday), you hope for a sensible and timely agreement in the conciliation Committee. Also, the Green group leader in the Bundestag, Katrin Göring-Eckardt, called for a rapid end to the dispute.

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digital Pact for schools, The bickering keeps the digitisation

Anja Kühne

“It is important that the conciliation Committee is put together quickly and is a common result,” she said of the dpa. “The digital Pact and make important investments in education may not be politically verstolpert.” (dpa)