The party’s friends in Europe have long been exasperated by the antics of the right of a national of Hungary, Viktor Orban. Already in the middle of next week, you want to decide on the exclusion of his party Fidesz from the EPP. Now Orban is trying to pull an emergency brake.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has asked members of the European people’s party (EPP) to excuse, to have you as “useful idiots”. In the EPP there are efforts, Orban’s party Fidesz from the EPP to exclude. “I hereby would like to Express my apologies if you felt attacked by my quote personally,” – said in a Letter dated Wednesday. A Meeting with Manfred Weber, the EPP candidate for the European elections in may, on Tuesday was inconclusive.

In an Interview with the “Welt am Sonntag”, Orban had referred to his critics in the EPP as “useful idiots”, because that would operate the business on the Left and the liberals.

Orban and his Fidesz are extremely under pressure

The legal national head of government of Hungary and Fidesz within the EPP family of parties under a lot of pressure, since Orban, the EU Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker, with a poster campaign sharply had attacked. Next Wednesday, the EPP Board of management shall decide on the further handling of the Fidesz – at the end of an exclusion from the conservative party family. 13 EPP parties have already demanded officially the exclusion or the temporary suspension of Fidesz.

On the posters, the Orban in Hungary had to hang up, are see the of the EPP, has asked EU Commission President Juncker as well as the liberal American billionaire of Hungarian origin George Soros. Both are denigrated with false claims to the immigration policy.

Soros is part of enemies to Orban’s Favorite. For years, he incited anti-Semitic campaigns against Holocaust Survivors. By law he has sold the of Soros, in Budapest, built-CEU University, from the country. Also, the Soros Foundation, the Open Society Foundation, has moved her office from Budapest to Berlin.

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Hungary’s Prime Minister Orban called his critics in the EPP “useful idiots”

critics accuse Orban in Hungary since the years of democracy and the rule of law to undermine, to bring critical media to Silence and weaken the Opposition by repressive measures such as arbitrary fines. (Tsp/dpa)