Antti Rinne (sd.) the government has set a target of carbon dioxide emissions from transport is halved to the year 2030. Aalto university economic researchers today announced proposals to achieve the objective, however, do not receive support.

minister for Transport and communications Sanna Marin (sd.) stresses that the researchers ‘ explanation is the previous Juha Sipilä (kesk.) the government led by commissioned by.

– the government is not this report view. This is not a government program and, of course, these kinds of surveys and studies each year are ordered and this, too, to become acquainted with, but which looks to the policy measures of these recommendations on the basis of us is not running, Marin set off a fresh explanation of the meaning.

LVM selvitytti to transport the total field

Marin told reporters that the ministry of transport and communications set up this or next week a working group to draw up a road map to fossiilittomia traffic moving.

Transport and communications minister Sanna Marin (sd.) wants a holistic view of all modes of transport to reduce emissions from.Markku Pitkänen / Yle

– the Review should be as the passenger car traffic, goods traffic, sea transport and air transport. The size of this field should be included, i.e. a very wide range of actions needed to achieve this. These activities will be presented already this fall and the board as the season progresses, Marin line

the Transport tax in the budget in march 2021

Also, the finance ministry expects to own, transport tax report on its completion. The work of the group is reserved for the time to march 2021.

finance minister Mika Lintilä (kesk.) estimates that show the gasoline and diesel price increases of emissions fees is unsustainable.

Well, of course, this is research result of the work, and they look at it, of course, a little of his own way, but if you think about socially and regionally on such procedure, then the time unsustainable this was, the bird to point out.

the researchers thinking into a policy wall

the minister of Finance Lintilä amazed at the economic researchers of the idea of running.

– So a pretty interesting line of thought that raised the price of fuel so high that, for example, in sparsely populated areas or socially disadvantaged can not afford it to buy. Yes, it is, of course, one solution is to, but does not fit my value to the world, Lintilä knock out the researchers ‘ proposals.

see also :

researchers efficacy drug transport emissions would put fuel card – fuel pump to not get excited, the car union wonders

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