– Syoksykierteessä can’t speak to the durability

the World-famous scholar Jeffrey Sachs download otherwise moderate finance minister of the Madrid climate conference meeting madonluvut immediately after the initialization at first.

the American Colombian university researcher continued.

This is a bad behavior. Keep your emissions at home and in the country, Sachs reproached countries that export fossil fuels to the world.

He specifically mentioned Australia and Canada, where the previous export of coal and the latter gas and oil.

sachs’s summary of the sanctions for pat was nearly overcrowded in the big meeting room. Hall was told the finance ministers of the intentions of the effects of climate change work.

the Meeting was historic, because never in the climate negotiations of 25 years, the place did not have the money ministers.

finance ministers are picking up the climate of the reins

the Madrid meeting statement by the ministers to develop future climate-proof rules and tools for financial institutions and states. Behind the initiative is currently in 50 countries across the world.

Finland and Chile have compiled a list of the ministerial working group, which is in its year history, joined the new countries. The group met säännällisesti and it’s thinking about the next year, including carbon pricing as a means to implement more stringent emission cuts and climate funding.

Professor Sachs stressed that the Paris climate agreement target by 2050 requires a full economic restructuring. For that we need new ideas such as climate sustainable financing and investments.

–finance ministers role is absolutely essential that the climate goals will remain. These require taxation, emissions trading, sustainable economic poltiikkaa and more private funding, summarized as secretary of state Kimmo Tiilikainen (kesk.) the ministry of finance needs and change.

He was replaced by the meeting of the Finnish government to the size of the contribution due to changes in minister of Mika Lintilä (kesk.)

Banks and financiers widely according to

at the Meeting highlighted the fact that, for example, good agricultural or transport policy is also good climate policy. The goals are still far away.

the Policy made by finance ministers managed the budget through.

the UN climate negotiations from the corresponding secretary general Patricia Espinosa highlight of the meeting initially, that the world’s approximately 500 financial institution must be as broad, according to finance emissions-reducing investment and help adapt to climate change.

International climate finance is in general increasing.

the Madrid meeting of the negotiations also increased funding for climate change mitigation and adaptation. Money can be collected, inter alia, the introduction of new plant species, development, or flood protection on the international carbon market.

the financial negotiations stalled the meeting of the second week from the beginning.

climate risk assessment is difficult

the money of the world turn the climate sustainable direction is difficult and quite slow. The european investment bank (EIB) is going through their own investment and lending items.

the most difficult task at the moment is to assess the investment climate risk, told the deputy general Emma Navarro an investment bank.

the World’s largest law oittajat the EIB reform the end of the year new items of the financial rules for the climate sustainable from 2021 onwards.

the EIB estimates that climate change caused economic damage to more than doubled last year.

in Front of maybe a great alternative to

more Than ten years ago, the famous Stern’s climate report published by lord Nicholas Stern sees the finance ministers of the presence and activity of potentially epochal.

We have an alternative, which, if successful, is very attractive. It is much more energy efficient, cleaner and more sustainable natural environment. Option is a much better way to raise living standards.

the economic system are the Stern according to the fundamental change in the coming decades. Money for investment is there.

– finance ministers of the challenge is to create the right policy, so that the right kind of financing at the right time , right place, right amount is realized, Stern summed up the meeting.

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