European union collect their dues in the same way as any association or community. Members will leave the payment slip always mid-month.
in Finland, it comes to e-mail the finance department. Mid-October arrived, the invoice total is 63 447 777 euros and 89 cents. Payment time was November the first banking day. In practice, the transfer from the state to the EU makes to the state treasury.
the October decline is significantly lower than in the early years of dues, who have been more than one hundred million euros a month more. The reason is the budget revisions as the year progressed: the EU has managed to collect from other sources estimated more money, so the member countries, it is necessary to ask for less.
in General, the monthly payment is pre-agreed annual fee divided by twelve. Finland’s total contribution for the current year is about 2,016 billion euros, or 365 euros per resident.
the Money collected as taxes from all. A large part of the fee is determined as a proportion of the total EU gross domestic product, the lower part is tied to the value added tax returns. Finland also participates in the British rebate to the financing of more than a hundred million a year.
Ilkka Kemppinen / Yle
the Annual EU bill is a politically sensitive matter and heat between the member states, especially now, when the big net contributors to the Uk difference between add the remaining member countries of the payment pressure.
Finland’s presidency, finishing a presentation on the union’s multi-annual budget for the year 2021-2027. Proposed monetary sum is due to be released in a couple of weeks, and national leaders reached the first time argument about the mid-December summit.
the Finnish original aim was that the financial framework was agreed for the year end of the year. Now it looks already clear that the debate will continue next year to Croatia and possibly the German presidency.
in October, the English presented to the member states of nature, where the budget totals would have been 1.03 to 1.08% of EU domestic product. Show reproached as net pay than I get shark.
the Government’s conclusion from the discussion is that the budget should grow.
it Seems, that it (chapter) is realistic to be this fork in the upper end rather than the fork at the lower end of said show-accession to the european minister of Margaret Davis (sd.).
the Fork the upper end of 1.08%, i.e. 1 eur 100 billion for seven years is still less than the EU originally proposed by the commission 1.11 percent of gdp. Both increase membership fees.
– we need a european budget to create genuine european added value. Where should resources be in place, Davis reasoned.
Also the Finnish membership fee increase, so that Finland’s own proposal than the commission’s figures. Presidency of Finland can not run emphatically for themselves, but will have to pick a compromise of the net contributors and recipients in between.
the National interest the full driving start only at the stage when the Usa has handed over its draft to the European council, the new chairman Charles Michel .
Joel Heather / Yle
Davis did not want to estimate how much Finland’s net payments will increase from the current around one hundred euros per capita. According to him, the benefits of the EU exceed in any case its cost.
– European cooperation do not have such audit, plus and minus from that what we can get. It is difficult to calculate the value. What you pay for peace and stability, rule of law, securing all parts of the union, a better Africa policy, or a common climate policy?
the Commission estimates that the EU’s internal market growth in the Finnish gross domestic product of approximately 13 billion annually.
the Commission had dampened the dues raise the pressure by obtaining the EU more than their own sources of income. Davis according to the three proposed revenue sources sufficient to support finding only rotate the relentless plastic waste quantity-based fee, which the already modest rate of return decreases as plastic recycling to improve.
the Commission should also be given up the British rebate for switching to the big net paying countries discount. This idea has Davis by in the wind, because its implementation would raise denmark, the Netherlands, Austria, Germany and Sweden fees sharply.
– Listening to member states where these payments repairs, this now seems very difficult. But until the end of trying, Davis said.
Ilkka Kemppinen / Yle
the membership fee increase as a counterweight to Finland’s future net payments affect the course of the EU revenue, which last year were about 260 euros per capita.
the Commission’s proposal, for example, Finland received by the cohesion hat would increase by about a hundred million a year, but agricultural subsidies would be reduced.
in Other than the taxes to be collected the membership fees, EU income distribution harvalukuinen emma set. More than half of Finland’s EU revenue was paid to the agricultural subsidies of nearly 60 000 beneficiaries, among which is, for example, the agricultural minister of Jari Leppä (center).
the support system is complicated. For example, the southern Finnish dairy farms this year, with direct support to approximately 570 million dairy cows each. In northern Finland, support to pay the liter per milking for the milk according to the amount. In addition to other support, such as for example animal welfare allowances.
of These the money to pay for Finland in principle, once a month, after the farmers are the first to get their support for Finland’s own budgetary resources. In practice, the money traffic is certainly the liveliest in December, when the vast majority of direct EU subsidies paid to farmers.
the second largest EU source of income was research funding under the Horizon 2020 programme. This money is not ear marked for the member states, but its intake depends on how good applications from each country will. Research money went last year, most of VTT’s projects, which received more than 37 million total less than eur 200 million in the EU-pot.
see also :
European letter: Foamy the Washington teach european sense of proportion
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