plastic waste recycling to developing wima production-the company has received significant funding from the EU.

European innovation council to grant lappee rantala-based company a total of over three million grants and capital funding.

the Grant is 2.5 million euros. Capital funding is one million euros.

European innovation council, the direction of funding for companies that are bringing to the market major innovations and help to find solutions to large-scale societal problems.

in This round, the innovation council provided a grant for a total of 75 promising startups and smes. Wima was the only one in this round of funding received by the Finnish company.

recycled plastic composites although the auto industry

wima production to manufacture a variety of products composite, the raw materials used in different recycled materials. Composite main raw material is plastic.

the Composite can be used, inter alia, the automotive and construction industries as well as packaging.

the European commission, according to the report, the composite material helps to reduce the incineration plants or landfill plastic waste and on the other hand, a new plastic manufacturing needs.

Read next: this is the solution to the world’s plastic waste problems? – Lappeenrantalais patent sustainable products from recycled plastic

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