the foreign ministry staff confidence in the foreign secretary Pekka Haavistoon (gr.) has been badly shaken, told foreign service officers the president of the association Juha Parikka network news (switch to another service). The clerk association’s foreign ministry staff lobbying organization.

– the consular chief of the [Pasi] Import Helsinki said to give interview (move to another service) on the basis of looks is still, unfortunately, that Haavisto speaks to the converted the truth, and explain its function in the best way. You can’t escape the impression that this is a continuing and purposeful distortion of the truth, Parikka said.

Parikka said that the confidence of staff minister can only be built on actions and not post cash for the lot. HS:in an interview with Pasi Tuominen said, that haavisto’s management approach has created a ministry climate of fear.

the foreign ministry has boiled after Night-Say tell (you move to another service), that Haavisto would be supplanted by that of this place from al-Hol Finnish children in the assistance-related divisions. Haavisto has forbidden IS:n information inter alia on yle’s A-studio and stated that That is welcome to return to the task.

the case for fixed 8.12. at 10.36: Parikka first name is Juha, not Jukka.

Read more:

HS: the foreign ministry’s consular chief to blame the foreign minister haavisto to fear management and unlawful decision

the foreign minister Haavisto: I apologize consular chief Pasi Tuomiselta, he is welcome to continue in office

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