Let’s rewind the time until august 2021. Stortingsvalgkampen races. There is a heatwave in the public debate. About just over a month go people to the polls to choose who will govern the country for the next four years.
Solberg-government, which since 2019 has passed by the Right, the Progress party, KrF and the Left, asking for renewed confidence. The promises are many and the ambitions high.
But the government’s election campaign is full of contradictions. The variegated constellation parties, will be assessed on what they promise each for himself – not judged for what they have done together. They are asking the voters look forward, not backwards.
Least of all, they will be judged for the many and painful compromises.
Time and again in the weeks before election day to be confronted, for example, the Progress party, with fresh figures showing new bompengerekorder. All put on their guard. “We do not have a majority in Parliament”, says Siv Jensen. “The progress party is against tolls”
the Responsibility for the government’s samferdselspolitikk need one of the other parties accept.
again and Again turns the Trine Skei Grande stated that the Left is ready for the rematch on abortnederlaget they were applied in Granavolden platform. “The tightening in abortlov all only a pause”, explains the Culture and the minister for gender equality.
Responsibility for the policies the government has brought in this area gets Better and the Right undertake.
once again delivers in Olaug Bollestad to the farmers by saying that the Progress will continue pelsdyrnæringen. The government want the industry closed down, but the vote for the Christian democratic Party being the change.
the Responsibility for the compromise of regjeringsplattformen get Left undertake.
That accountability even explains the Conservative fiscal spokesperson that it must be cut in the public expenditure, and that oljepengebruken must be tightened in the years to come.
But that spending has been record-breaking and at times irresponsible the last eight years, not the government’s largest party be blamed for. “It was the political Right who would spend so much money, not the Right.”
the Responsibility for the totality get anyone else to take.
It is not possible to vote on regjeringsalternativer in the Norwegian democracy. We need to choose a party. Partifloraen have a variety of different goals for the society, but also a wide variety of political solutions for how we are to arrive at the finish with the things we agree on.
This egenarten, it is important to take care of. It is through a strong and wide partidemokrati people get the affected parties ‘ perspective before options. These must of course be expressed in an election.
So to Better avoid more trouble
According to the choice they need different parties take the vows with them to the negotiating table and find compromises. It is a painful but wonderful process. Disagreement is resolved by the fact that everyone must give and take. On election day in 2021 will mark probably twenty years with flerpartiregjering and its compromises.
But the choice is not just about promises for the next period. Democracy is also based on people’s ability to replace a majority they are not satisfied with. An election must therefore also act on what is done in the last four years.
balancing act it tilbakeskuende and forward in an election campaign is demanding. Both considerations must be taken into account. But the compromises from the ruling parties nulles not out on election day. Governing parties need to be held responsible for the totality of the policy, not just its own promises and goals. Particularly when one has controlled for so long at a stretch as Jens Stoltenberg and Erna Solberg, the Labour party and the Right, have done.
Attempt to hide what has happened to the benefit of the that can happen is a dishonest strategy.
It should not be possible for some of the incumbent coalition parties to push the responsibility for the evil compromises of the party that received the clean victory. The left has just as much responsibility for the progress party’s clean asylseire, as the progress party has for the Liberal klimaavgifter. The responsibility for the government’s policy rests on all the political parties sitting in the government.
If the progress party is not able to be responsible for the tolls, Left for abortinnstramming or Right for a summer spending, they must leave the regjeringssamarbeidet and leave the management and the whole to the some other.
If the four the coalition parties are seeking re-election together they must therefore largely be judged on what they have done, not what they wish they had done if they were just a little bigger. They shall stand for election for the continuation of the regjeringssamarbeidet, should also compromise be the basis for voters ‘ consideration.
Framforhandlet agreement and compromise is necessary and desirable. Without Gerhardsen-stroke of some parties get we do not outside.
Regjeringspartienes many tongues undermines, however, the compromise function. The voters understand that there is a great distance between a number of parties that can end up in government together, and that no one can get everything they want. But few will defend that they govern with a policy, but promises another.
We need rakryggede politicians who dare to take responsibility for the policies they have compromise on. Not åle away when the election day is approaching.
Threatens with a tax on cow-rap