Ahead of Andalusia was created to “be an alternative to the PSOE” last summer. With this message the confluence between We and the United Left sought to end the two-party system, definitely break the left-right axis and end up with 36 years of socialism in the Board. Sunday got 17 seats, three less than what he totaled separately in 2015. Not only lost nearly 300,000 votes, were unable to absorb the historic drop of the president Susana Díaz. A day later, Alberto Garzón, leader of IU, was the only one who made a self-criticism is blunt: “we have Not been able to attract the voter, the socialist discontent. Nor have we mobilized the left. We have failed”.

Garzón openly acknowledged that abstention from Sunday was reflected with clarity in the working class areas where their electorate. “The demobilization has affected us, where we were strong, although we continue to be so, as not so much”, he explained. “It is necessary for the diagnosis, but even more necessary action. We have to re-connect with the neighborhoods that have not yet voted”.


PP and Citizens, willing to make a pact with Vox to govern Andalusia, The PSOE, opens the door to that Diaz resign and sees no “sense” to give the presidency of the Board of Citizens

In Andalusia, Antonio Maíllo, vice presidential candidate, went out to answer in a round of media interviews in which he acknowledged that “the results were not good”, at the same time that clung to the message of the election night: “We are concerned about the future of our land.” As did Teresa Rodriguez, a candidate for the presidency of andalusia, the formation did not want to talk about seats even if they have not been able to even keep the 20 that had been marked as a target.

“there are No excuses, you have to correct some things,” said Pablo Iglesias on Monday in a visit to the Alcoa workers. Were his only words. The leader of we Can, as the candidate Ahead of Andalusia, re-orient the discourse towards what we qualify “the danger of right reactionary”. After learning of the results, the Churches said, “the alert anti-fascist”. Moments earlier, Rodriguez warned that “before each word of homophobia, racism or sexism”, the likely right-wing government of the Board was going to be in front. “They’re not going to turn our society Betpas into something worse than it already did after 10 years of crisis”, he stressed.

Before the defeat called for the mobilization of the social organizations in an appeal to the spirit of the 15M, the movement of which it emerged Can. In addition to trying to keep an alliance between the political parties that supported the motion of censure that led to Pedro Sánchez to the Government. Springs to cope with the advance of the extreme right.

The bet Ahead of Andalusia to support the campaign on local issues, while his opponents did not only raised the pitch, but is introduced in the daily agenda issues such as Catalonia or the management Pedro Sanchez, is another of the errors that only Garzón points out. “We have tried to make a campaign centered on the problems of andalusia, but has been unable to do in front of others based on nationalism, and centralismos”.

A voter more complex

The representatives of Can and IU is prepared for four years of an opposition much more hard, which was reflected in the clashes parliamentarians between Diaz and Rodriguez during the previous legislature. Now face a block of rights to that since it declared the autonomy of Andalusia had never gotten so much power. And they must analyze if part of the votes that have been lost have not only stayed at home, but have come to Vox. “The transfer is between blocks-right”, settled Garzón.

In a letter sent to the militancy of UI, responsible for the formation alert at their bases with a profile of the voter “the right-wing reactionary” that he calls “more complex of what is intended to caricature”. “The first data point out that the vote to Vox is higher the richer is the municipality, which anticipates that the voter of the extreme right belongs to the classes more well-off”, described in the text. “And at the same time the vote has been especially strong in the places where there is more immigration, which points to the expansion of a vote racist and xenophobic probably also among the popular classes”.

Despite the results, the coalition strives to send a message of unity. You saw the election night in Seville with the hug between Maíllo and Rodriguez. It was also shown hours later in Madrid, during the assessment that made Garzón and Churches with members of both parties. “Without unity it would have been worse,” summed up the head of IU.