With firearms and machetes equipped, the attackers entered the settlement. They put houses and cars on fire and stole livestock and killed more than 160 men, women and children. The corpses left on the street. Since then, the fountain in the Malian village of Ogossagou are useless, the dead bodies poisoned the water.

The massacre in mid-March, the latest act of violence in the bloody battle between rival groups of the population in the West African state of Mali. In the middle of the country, where savanna and desert meet, are struggling crop farmers and cattle breeders of the scarce land resources. Also, the Islamists will blend in with the conflict, especially in the North, the influence of the extremists is great. They have allied in part with the separatists and fight against the government troops from the capital, Bamako.

war in Mali: the 250,000 Displaced persons

Since 2013, Bundeswehr soldiers are stationed in the country. 1100 there are currently – as part of the around 11,000 blue helmets strong UN Mission MINUSMA and the European training programme, EUTM. The Federal government wants to extend both bets.

this Thursday the first readings of the two applications to be decided by the Cabinet last week. The final decision of the Bundestag, probably falls in the middle of may. The consent of the Parliament is considered to be safe. “The stabilization of Mali is a focus of Germany’s engagement in the Sahel Region and an important objective of the Africa policy of the Federal government”, – stated in the request of the Federal government. Up to the 31. In may 2020, the Bundeswehr participation in UN-use, then for the time being.

The Mali Mission is the deadliest on the United Nations, ever have let himself in Since the beginning of the year 2013 180 blue helmet soldiers have been killed in Mali, to 15 this year alone. You want to actually create peace in the West African country, the government in Bamako to help with a reconciliation with the rebel groups in the North. The conflict continued, however, for the past seven years, more than 250,000 people are on the run. How many Mali, it was shear death toll so far is hard to say.

The “forest and meadow mandate” of the Bundeswehr

“The peace process is not running,” says Omid Nouripour, foreign policy spokesman of the Greens in the Bundestag. Also, the Federal government sees little progress: The security situation is described as “volatile”, they remain “tense”. Translated this means: “stabilization” is Mali. In the implementation of the peace agreement signed between the Malian government and the separatists of 2015, there is “still potential for improvement,” writes the Federal government in support of its application.

that is Exactly the Problem of the Bundeswehr mandate, to extend the “Grand coalition” now, liege, Markus Kaim of the Institute for science and policy, says: “The Bundeswehr is supposed to allow for political reconciliation in Mali between the government and the rebel groups,” says the security expert. “The goal of the mandate is, however, far outside of the capabilities of the Bundeswehr. The can not affect whether the government and the rebels to reconcile.“

Kaim holds the use for a “forest and meadow mandate” – to the protection of Mali’s cultural heritage’s everything is Possible part of the job, he says. “How to make the Bundeswehr?” Nouripour finds it “downright bizarre what all is Packed in the mandate of a purely”.

SPD politician Felgentreu: “Mali let alone”

“of The UN mission in Mali was very important for us,” says the defence policy spokesman of the SPD parliamentary group, Fritz Felgentreu. “The situation in Mali, our security depends. The country is a transit zone for trafficking in human beings, drugs and weapons. Also, it affects the stability in neighboring States, how safe is Mali.“ Not have improved the security situation in the area of influence of the armed forces. “However, we are not allowed to leave the country now, alone.”

Similar to the security expert Kaim sees it. “Tangible progress”, he concludes. “This is not to say, however, that Germany is on a completely wrong path. You just need to be patient.“ The Green politician Nouripour has not yet decided whether he will agree to an extension. In his group there were different opinions, he says.

Actively participate in Fighting, the army-to the soldiers not to do in Mali. The French troops particularly. You also ensure the safety of the Germans, the bulk of which is close to the Northern city of Gao stationed. The main tasks in the “Camp Castor” are the protection and maintenance of the support point and of its own equipment as well as the enemy of enlightenment.

Since the beginning of 2017 was, according to information from the Ministry of defence, the Bundeswehr drone “Heron 1” around 7,700 flight hours. To go according to the will of the Federal government. As a result, other UN could secure the troops “their quotas to better and protect”. The extension of the Bundeswehr deployment by a year to costs, according to the government, a resolution of approximately 314 million Euro.

the “Only worthy of” UN-deployment of the Bundeswehr

in addition to the Northern part of the “Camp Castor” are almost cancelled 200 Bundeswehr soldiers near the Malian capital of Bamako for the training of local troops. “Malian soldiers are trained in military basic training in driving school and in international law”, – stated in the Ministry of defence. So far, 13,000 people have participated in the courses. Here are the renewal costs according to the request of the government of almost 41 million euros.

So the Federal government wants to show its partners from the UN and the EU, that Germany is ready to participate in international military operations. This message is an extension of the Bundeswehr’s mandates without a doubt send out. “For the MINUSMA deployment the only significant participation of the Bundeswehr in a peacekeeping operation of the UN,” says the security expert Kaim. “The need to apply a passport for Germany to assume more responsibility. Anyone who has an interest in a rule-based world order, the need to promote themselves.“

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And how it looks with the actual goal of the military operations – the “stabilization” of Mali? The country is twice the size of France, half of which is desert. The state is poor, the government is weak. The SPD Deputy Felgentreu says: “If the Malian state will ever be able to ensure there’s order and security, is an open question.”