NRK Supers “Julekongen” is it not christmas in Ridderdalen certain there will not be snow there. Ridderdalen is eventyrverda as hovudpersonen Kevin has found a entrance to the. His own worth in eastern norway together unto one place, is quite nedsnødd.
In the “Snowfall” from 2016 is the parallel world Snow full of snow and love, while hovudpersonen Selma his ordinary life is relasjonslaust in a grey city with little or no snow. “Christmas in Blåfjell” is on a snow-covered Røros or inside a nissefjell, and in the “Christmas in Swing”, we are in a snowy austlandsbygd.
Anne Kalvig. Show more
On the west coast, we have mostly no snow for christmas. It is natural and not a result of climate change. In all my life I have never seen the reality shown on the NRK tv-kalendrar.
On our populous coastal do parents fortella ends ungar that yes, it is christmas, even if it’s not snow, it is not as they say on children’s tv 24 hours in a row, that ordentleg christmas is about snow. We also have christmas cheer, christmas spirit, juletradisjonar. With the NRK his narrative, all our juleelement for annanrangs to expect, for we have not the snow.
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the Coast of Norway his part of the national history and culture is underkommunisert both in peace and wartime. TV-julekalendrar is the culture and traditions aimed to the young, and the sårare is it when a specific inland/austlandsnarrativ, it is only valid in one period of the year where samhald and the community shall be fellesnemnarar. North-Norway is not represented, but they can, after all, know himself again in the snow.
Christmas is about the light that comes to us in the darkest time, in a religious or other sense. Instead of light, it is rather about the snow at NRK.
NRK mandate is to representera the whole country, and julekalendrar in the children’s tv shall be specifically inclusive produksjonar – they replaces all barnetv program in kjernetida at. 18-18.30.
Here are all the Norwegian advent calendars – which one is your favorite?
Synst one in our pluralistic time that it is difficult with the more existential reasons that we celebrate christmas? Such reasons may be christian, heidenske, traditional in the form of opphøging of family and community, and the concrete with solsnu and årshjul. Perhaps one thinks that all this can be ekskluderande, and it may be the, with the exception of the light-darkness-narrative and that the sun turns.
NRK show existential juleemne more innpakka, fine and moving often, in the various produksjonane. The christian narrativet is the most quiet. But as a basic, fellesskapsdannande rammeforteljing or subject, have gone for the snow. It is quite hopeless. Yes, just hope it snøforteljingane takes from us on the west coast – we have no hope of white christmas, but we had the hope of a good christmas anyway? And so says the children’s tv to the kids is that it probably not going, ordentleg christmas must and shall have snow.
Yes to fun! Comment
About ten-fifteen years probably the “central” Austlandet snøfritt for christmas. Will then redaksjonane tenka out kalenderkonsept where one in 24. emphasises that the snow is crucial for the real christmas? Will be seen that one inflicts ungar pain and sakn, and therefore choose other, vesentlegare parts of the christmas season as omdreiingspunkt? Most probably. But the situation is that vestlendingar has been in the framtidsscenarioet as long as the tv julekalendrane has existed, and we are mighty hire.