the Aalto university and the technical research centre VTT’s researchers have managed to create a wood cellulose fibre and spider web from a firm and flexible material, which can be challenging to plastic, explains Aalto university bulletin (you move to another service).

the researchers glued to the wood cellulose fibers together itsy-bitsy it web for finding silk protein have. The result was a stiff and tenacious material, which could in the future be used, for example, plastics replacement, bio-based polymers, medical applications and textile products.

Research pulled Aalto university professor Mark Linder according to nature to provide new materials the development of the great raw materials. As well as the cellulose that silk the advantage of plastic is that they break down in nature.

– These natural good qualities of our researchers just need to be able to repeat, Linder said.

the Study used the spider silk was not of natural origin, but scientists, manufacturers of the synthetic DNA and bacteria.

Because we know the structure of DNA, we can copy it and prepare it with the help of chemically similar to silk protein molecules as a spider web in there. DNA has all the information ready, Linder explains the release.

What do you think? You can discuss the topic at 22, until.

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