she led the Green party in two Federal elections, the next Time you want to be a top candidate. A pragmatic Green, dispenses, but does not disappear.

By Nico Fried Berlin Nico Fried

Nico Fried, since 2007, the SZ-Parliamentary office in Berlin. Together with his colleagues he reported on the people and events in the Chancellery, the ministries, the Parliament and other places where policy is made. The native of Ulm since 1996 she lives in the capital, where he worked for four years for the Berliner Zeitung. 2000 peace came to the süddeutsche Zeitung, and reported to the Parliament editorial on German foreign policy, the former PDS, and later on the Green. In 2004, he took over the journalistic observation of the SPD, three years later, the office line. Nico Fried, born in 1966, studied in Munich and Hamburg in political science and a master of arts complete.

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Katrin Göring follow-Eckardt has made a matter of course, but it sounds like the announcement of a new generation: At the next election, the party Chairman no longer wants to compete for the top candidate of the Greens. Twice, Miri had led her party in the election campaign, in 2013, with Jürgen Trittin, 2017 with Cem Özdemir. The next Time, the other should make, said Goering-Eckardt of the Funke media group.

As politicians talk, usually at the end of a long career, before you say goodbye to the stand gradually in the rest. The career of KGE, as you yourself abkürzte your name already, long before Annegret Kramp cart Builder, AKK made quite a splash – lasts already for a long time. And yet, Göring-Eckardt is only 52 and is planning to certainly no retreat. In any party young women can take on has always been so early responsibility, such as in the case of the Green. The downside is that one of the higher semesters, who is just a year older than it was, Angela Merkel, at the time of their first election to Chancellor.

Göring-Eckardt, the had heard in times of the turning of the founding members of Alliance 90, later a fusion partner of the Greens, moved in 1998 to the Bundestag and parliamentary business Manager. After the Bundestag election in 2002, she formed, together with Krista Sager in the group, a female double-top, which acted as a counterweight to men like Gerhard Schröder, Joschka Fischer, Otto Schily and Juergen Trittin, dominated by red-green Cabinet. Göring-Eckardt, since their youth in the Evangelical Church, engaged, married, the mother, was not involved due to their for the Green unusual biography is irrelevant to the fact that the party opened up to new topics, such as family policy and the coalition, for example, in the pension policy measures by the younger Generation at the expense shrank back.

The group boss is not away from the window

but Above all, KGE always sat in the red-and-green tip rounds, so in government – in a coalition that changed the country in seven years, with more Elan than it has been able to Merkel in 13 years. This experience has awakened in Göring-Eckardt an urge to Rule, accompanies since 2005, but have not yet been returned satisfied. You would have been in 2013, already ready to have a black-green coalition, was to but together with Winfried Kretschmann in the minority. In 2017, you may have seen, perhaps, as a Minister of a Jamaica-coalition, what eventually became of the FDP crosses.

perhaps The biggest Commonality of the Ex-GDR citizens, Merkel and Göring-Eckardt is that the ideology of the far pragmatism, in the critic, rather, lack of principles see. KGE, once a supporter of the Agenda-politics, was expository, as they put on their election battles later, suddenly Hartz-IV-critical. Similar to how the Chancellor also but it is hard to Take. It is also, in spite of their quiet, some was to be the pastoral type, with a power of consciousness that enabled her 2013 return in the first row of the Greens, after she had been for eight years, the Bundestag, Vice-President, and for the castle of Bellevue traded.

see also Göring-Eckardt, especially Anna Lena Baerbock (38) and Robert Habeck (49) give the Green a new impetus. The chairmen are, as of today, the natural next top candidate. The group leader is not, therefore, but away from the window. She works on the removal of barriers, the landscape would be Green in a newly-stocked party only in the way: The most recent breakthrough for a majority to change the Constitution in the promotion of education arranged for Göring-Eckardt with the FDP party leader Christian Lindner.