the minister of Finance announced on Monday morning, its first economic forecast since the government took office in January. The forecast given just a week before vårbudgeten to be presented next week.

the Swedish economy has developed strongly. This is a strength we want to use during the term in order to invest, ” says Magdalena Andersson.

now, slightly down compared with the past. There is a slowdown which is in line with a weaker trend in our business environment.

Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

According to Magdalena Andersson will vårbudgeten not contain any unfunded reforms since the space disappeared due to M and KD got through his budget in the parliament. It is first and foremost about tax cuts of around sek 20 billion.

“Our assessment is that the scope for unfunded expenditure in connection with the vårbudgeten is almost nil,” says Magdalena Andersson.

therefore need to be financed in full through savings, tax increases and to say no to the parts of the M+KD budget. Some major adjustments of the current budget, however, it is not a question of.

– It will be on the margin, ” says Magdalena Andersson.

According to the minister of finance, there are more downside risks than upside risks in the economy in the near future. Among other things, is the uncertainty about Brexit is a concern that is difficult to estimate the consequences of.

– the Development of this will be able to get great consequences. In the first place for the british, but also for countries that have large trade with the united kingdom, Sweden.

the risks in the housing market, high household indebtedness and high prices of housing.

at the same time continues the labour market to develop very strongly. The employment rate continues to increase and is now the highest in 25 years.

” this is fundamentally positive. It is more like looking at the labour market and there are more who get jobs, ” says Magdalena Andersson.

the Development of the labour market has led to that there are labour shortages in several industries.

“We have clear need of further arbetskravet in Sweden,” says Magdalena Andersson.