”According to postnord’s general terms and conditions, so they have 60 days to send out utrikespaket. I have proof that my package took 77 days.” So begins one of all dissatisfied consumers its notification to the national Consumer agency in which she requires the company of 5,000 sek.

In 2018, took the Swedish Consumer agency received 390 reports concerning Postnord. There is a sharp increase from 82 cases in 2017.

received 51 notifications, most of which applies to unfair terms and deceptive marketing.

Emma Riblom notes that the trend is not positive, but points out that the company’s own brevkvalitetssiffror are at a good level and that the number of comments received has decreased.

– most people who have problems with the mail delivery part of either to us or to the national Post and telecom agency (PTS). The knowledge that you can advertise elsewhere, and the edges might also have been better.

to the board for consumer complaints (ARN) regarding Postnord has increased. Last year, the agency received 146 cases, which include re-evaluations. It can be compared with 63 cases in the year 2017. So far this year, 37 notifications were received.

” In a relatively short period, we had a large amount of cases when many wanted to avoid paying the fee on the so-called Kinapaket, says beredningsjuristen Stay Helin.

He’s referring to the administrative fee on the package from outside the EU who Postnord introduced on 1 march in the year after the Swedish newspaper svenska Dagbladet revealed that large quantities of packages have been delivered to Swedish customers who have not paid vat on the goods.

of the notifications related to the Kinapaketen at the teething problems associated with the introduction of the new fee.

these cases increased during the year was that we did not even have the management in place the year before, ” she says.

the PTS took at the same time, in 2018 against 1.996 consumer opinions regarding Postnord. This is a reduction from 2.554 cases in 2017.

– When it comes to the complaints that came in and could be linked to a specific operator was 66% Postnord, says Petter Öhrn, press officer at PTS.

Many of the notifications in case of loss of mail or mail delivered to the wrong person. Other complaints relate, for example, mailboxes that have been moved. This year, the authority has received 522 cases.

a loss after tax for the year 2018 of just over a billion dollars which has forced the crisis-ridden company to a number of changes. Among other things, cease from 1 July to empty the mailboxes on Sundays. In some places, you can also see the possibility to move to deliver mail every other day.

At Postnord are you prepared to change is likely to generate some complaints.

– We the people are a little bit of creatures of habit. When you want to send a letter so maybe you think everything is just the same as when it last sent a letter, ” says Emma Riblom and points to the changes made to adapt to decreased mail volumes.

Dan Lucas: Postnord is obviously not like other companies