the Government has now decided to grant permission for mining of Nussir field in Kvalsund in Finnmark – with disposal in Repparfjorden. It was expected, but it’s still a scandal – a total neglect of the environment.

the Government has actually said yes to a lost cause. Norway is only one of the five countries in the world that still tilltater sjødeponier, and it goes in the direction of prohibition here at home also. Through the last two regjeringsutvidelsene has the political platform stated that the government shall examine the consequences of a ban. In the meantime, no new permits be granted – apart from the two that were already given, among other things, in the Kvalsund.

Thus overruled objections from reindeer-herding, and from the research which states that funds of gruveavfallet in the bay is dangerous. The institute of marine research is highly critical, the cod spawn in the area where the landfill is planned and the river is a national salmon river.

Sami and the environmental movement rages against the government

despite all of this, select the government to present the permit of the opening as a kind of victory for the environment. And here it happens something new. The argument is that the world needs copper from the mine to the production of electric cars. The same argument sailing now up when more actors, also in Norway, want to start with the mining activities on the seabed. Miljøargumentene banging thus against each other, and then apply it to follow with in the hour. We can not accept the poisoning of a fjord and the destruction of spawning grounds as a reasonable price to pay in klimaets name. As little as we can allow to aerator up the seabed in search of metals and minerals, if the research should show that there is a danger of the harmful influence . New resources in the name neutralizes not already established environmental concerns.

In our time, where the need for green adaptation is becoming increasingly stronger, we must learn to identify those who sail under the green flags of convenience.

Matter has already created huge engagement, it mobilized the powerful by sametingsvalget in the fall of 2017. The party which distinguished itself most clearly in the resistance, MANDATES, increased strongly in the support and secured 18 of the 35 seats in the assembly. It is notified lenkeaksjoner, perhaps with international contributions such as we saw when the american indigenous people protested against oljerørledningene in Standing Rock. It can also get contributions from the coalition parties. The young Left-leader Sondre Hansmark has already warned that he will set in the links.

“Stjernekamp”-Ella is ready to link itself fixed: – I spew